Toolkit of Care
Researchers from academia and knowledge hubs in Europe and Internationally will discuss topical affairs and collaborate with early career researchers to facilitate knowledge exchange and cross-border collaboration in order to develop an understanding around the research topic of critical community care and creative technologies. The round table will be open to the ISEA2023 participants and the public. Toolkit of Care is an interdisciplinary group of creative practitioners, academics, researchers and arts/crafts organisations that specialise in creative technologies have come together to form a “critical network of care.” The Action’s network will collaborate to share their collective expertise and technical knowledge employed in creative ways to develop knowledge and methodologies of care.
Organised by APO33
This round table and presentation is based upon work from COST Action Toolkit of Care (TOC), CA21102, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).
- Julien Ottavi – Doctor in Arts, Composer, Artist and Curator – Apo33 –
- Jenny Pickett – Artist-APO33 / Doctoral Candidate – MadLab, Cyprus University of Technology / Associate Lecturer ENSA-Nantes
- Marinos Koutsomichalis – Director of research Madlab Cyprus University of Technology, sound & media artist
- Donna Halford-Lovell – Director/Curator Neon Festival (Digital Arts – Dundee)
- Paula Torres Nuñez del Prado – PhD and artist.
- Mindaugas Gapševičius – Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Institutio Media / Alt Lab
- Andrew Paterson – PhD and curator of Pixelache festival
- Maite Cajaraville – Curator & producer Piksel Festival
- Gisle Froysland – Curator & producer Piksel Festival
- Amble Skuse – PhD researcher and artist.
- Nikos Rodousakis – Analyst / Economist
- Katerina Gkoutziouli – curator
- Peter Zorn – co-head of European Media Art Platform
TOOLKIT OF CARE is an international Action led by an interdisciplinary group of creative practitioners, academics, researchers and arts organisations that specialise in creative technologies and that have considerable experience in the production and dissemination of this kind of knowledge across Europe and internationally, who have come together to form a “critical network of care”. The network will collaborate to share their collective expertise and technical knowledge employed in creative ways to develop knowledge and methodologies of care. The main aim is to produce a well formulated and integrated TOOLKIT OF CARE comprising articles, prototypes, audiovisual documentation, technical manuals, theoretical analysis, prototypes, and data. It will act as a model of how to successfully share knowledge and expertise across different geographical regions and social groups.
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*COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.