Filiason #20 – Erik Minkkinen + Solar Return & Friends

SATURDAY 26 MARCH 2022 AT 20:00 – 4/5/6€ – Les Ateliers de Bitche

Erik Minkkinen + Solar Return & Friends

A meeting between the musicians of Solar Return and Erik Minkkinen + friends!, especially electronic, electric, noisy and definitely offbeat!

Erik Minkkinen

One of the strongest advocates of the European noise scene, Minkkinen is known as the lead guitarist of cult band Sister Iodine. He also plays in Antilles, Noyade (alongside David Lemoine de Cheveu), Minitel, and has participated in projects alongside Noël Akchoté or an experimental cine-concert project in Marseille in 2013 with Toboflex on Sharunas Bartas’ “Few Of Us”. His style claims a use of old, ramshackle synths and a guitar abused by various metal objects. For the past ten years, he has been co-directing the Deco label with Lionel Fernandez.

Solar Return

Solar Return is a variable geometry ensemble, composed of the duo Jenny Pickett & Julien Ottavi. The body of their music is based on frequency generation and interpolation of multiple digital oscillators and analog modular synthesizers. Solar Return proposes an electric and noise improvised music.
Electromagnetic phenomena are the starting point of their audio creations. They have produced various scores for two audio synthesizers / oscillators / DIY electronics etc… that reflect electromagnetic patterns and events such as solar flares and the end of the cell phone mast in town as well as the unfathomable audio world of kitchen appliances. Through their performances, the duo sneak into the world of frequency, static and sound as a physical experience.


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