Concrete Island Exhibition – Carbon Death

from 09 October to Sunday 21 November 2021

Borrowing the title of JG Ballard’s book, “Concrete Island” where an architect finds himself stranded on a stretch of land between highways, Ballad explores the social fissures in our built utopias, the interconnected isolation of our infrastructures and our idea of home.

“Concrete Island” is an exhibition which seeks to provoke a reflection on the obsession of architecture and town planning with this malleable material and its environmental impact. Concreteisation is used as a means to sterilize space, to control the ground, to create a clean permanence to the detriment of nature and its dirt – giving life to everything that is weeds its way through these non-spaces …

Carbon Death is a collective of artists that offers artistic and scientific research without territorial limits, potentially opposing artists, curators, scientists and academics, by way of a voluntary impertinence towards places and concepts and by revisiting, redefining and reorganising these domains.

For this exhibition the collective highlights the research on our relationships to the urbanisation of the city of Nantes, through listening to the vibration of concrete, its accumulation and the architectural confrontation of the space based on the notions of brutalism and deconstruction, which can feel out of step with the reality of our time. A critical visual saga, which lays the foundations for a long-term reflection on the concreteisation of our environment.

Opening – Saturday October 9th at 6.30 p.m.

Visiting hours: Friday to Sunday from 2.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
