26th of August – Libre day at Electropixel 11

Thursday August 26 from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Soundwalk Normalise-interfacing launch by Amble Skuse – 6 p.m

Presentation and debate with STWST collective at 7 p.m. (subject to change)

Learn 3D from 10 to 77 years old with Blender offered by Zardig Mega

(place limited to 5 people) – bring your computer with a mouse (important for Blender) – 10 € / 2h ++

– software installation / discover the main functions / know how to assemble 3D objects and create animations

Make electronic music with VCRack (modular on computer!) with the Modular Plugs ElectroOrchestra

+ concert on August 28 (1 entry + 2 beers for the evening) – place limited to 8 people (5 € / 3h)

1-install VCVRack // 2-download the modules // 3-patch // 4-play and experiment // 5-follow a direction and prepare a concert

Synth welding kit in kit. With Thomas Bigot

2 kits to assemble: NANDULATOR Small noise box with 6 potentiometers to modulate the sound. The kit is easy to assemble, it allows a first approach to welding with few components. 20 euros the complete kit (with the battery) NANDFXMATRIX Based on the Nandulator,

Nandfxmatrix can be powered by 9v, mains or battery. It is also eurorack compatible. On the same card are the small noise machine, a filter, a delay, 4 lfo and a mixer. 2 cv in and 2 audio in allow the interface with a modular environment. Everything is patchable via dupont cables in 2 zones, one dedicated to cv and one to audio. 60 euros for the complete kit Reserve your workshop !!!
