Alexandros Drymonitis – Construct your Synth

Atelier : Construct your synth with a raspberry pi base, Puredata & Arduino

APO33 invites Alexandros Drymonitis (Athènes)

The Workshop will result in a live presentation on Saturday 9 May at 18:00 at la Plateforme Intermédia.

Alexandros Drynomitis is an active musician in the field of experimental electronic music and noise. He graduated from the Amsterdam Conservatory, where he studied guitar and composition. His musical practice developed around the same texture of sound and noise while exploring the limits of control as a form of composition. His research is on the acquisition of knowledge through multimedia programming.

Construire un synthétiseur à base d’un ordinateur embarqué basé sur Puredata, Arduino et Raspberry Pi.

07 – 09 May 2015

Worshop : 40€ / Members 30€ (3 days)

Thursday / Friday / Saturday from 9:00 to 17:00

subscription :

Concert : Free entry & apéro offered.

reservation :
