Pendant la Digital Week à Nantes
In collaboration with L’Ecole des Beaux Arts de Nantes Métropole and the support of Dicream – CNC.
Theme : The online creation and networked urban audio practices.
For this second edition of Nantes Electronic Art Rencontre we hope to develop an approach on the question of Multicasting and networked urban audio practices.
Multicast is a method of distributing “streaming” in real time on the Internet, that uses the possibilities of IPv6 and “peer to peer” networks. This might sound like technical jargon but it is also, in our view, a way to design digital networked art, an idea of the multi-distribution of audio and video data and in the case of artists an approached as a means of conceiving creation. This is also a line of research for creating when put in parallel with other kinds of axes: Networked orchestras, cyberperformance, mobile and geolocated intervention systems, connected urban performance ….
In fact the proposed theme opens up a vast field and sharp curatorial on electronic and digital art research: research axes fall within the current issues of questioning of network capabilities and digital tools that have democratized the last decade.
Mots clefs :Manifesto, electronic art, Fluxus, digital art, man-machine interfaces, interaction, free software and creation, immersive experience, science, emerging technologies, network, internet, streaming, Hacking.
Details of programmation :
Wednesday 21 September
Free – from 10:00 to 17:00 (coffee, tea & biscuits offered)
Château des Ducs de Bretagne
Seminar, conference et exchange on networked art and new online diffusion technology.
The purpose that we hope to develop is in the physical relationship and our relationship to the virtual: a new era of artistic creation has emerged over several decades, what are the issues? what are the tools, for both understanding theory and practices ? Research areas are at once on corporeality: presence, space, distance, loudness, projecting, performance …, the social space: chat, meetings, discussions, public space … the network: cyberperformance, streaming, broadcasting , sharing data, remote control … but also in the deletion of certain frontiers especially between public and artist : participation, workshops, exchanges, demonstrations and interaction.
With : Shelly Knotts, Thierry Besche, Julien Rabin, Marinos Koutsomichalis, Tim Shaw, Jenny Pickett, Julien Ottavi, Matthieu Chamagne, Mathieu Marciani, Don Foresta
Thursday 22nd September
Free – 20:00
Château des Ducs de Bretagne
Concert Online Orchestras
The network orchestra is one of the possibilities offered by the Internet, many musicians are beginning to understand the value of getting involved in such projects, the distribution of sound and data via the network allows the construction of new instruments that exceed the physical condition of the musician with an audience but to create new type of musical notation based on listening to the sound, beyond the performative and excellence whilst updating a direct relationship with these musicians : an opportunity to discuss (chat) with them live, listen in dedicated spaces or at home (domestic)
GIASO – Great Internet Audio Streaming Orchestra
(France, Colombie, Usa, Belgique, Japon, Autriche, Finlande, Allemagne, Hong Kong)
With musicians : William Nurdin (voice computer, France), AGF Antye Greie-Ripatti (DE/FI), Ryo Ikeshiro (computer, Uk), Eva Ursprung (computer, Germany), Philippe Cavaleri (computer, voice, objects, Belgium), Seamus O’Donnel (computer, Germany) ,Keiko Uenishi (computer, Japan), Ana Maria Romano G (electronics, Colombia), Dennis Wong (guitar, electronic, Hong Kong)
Listen the concert live here (use >VLC player)
OFFAL – Orchestra for Female and laptops (Grande-Bretagne et au delà)
Annie Goh (UK/DE) is an artist, researcher & computer musician, currently doing PhD research on echo & archaeoacoustics at Goldsmiths, London.
Joanne Armitage (UK) works with code and physical computing to explore physical aspects of sound whilst lecturing in Digital/New Media and Computer Music at the University of Leeds.
Lina Bautista (SP) is media artist, performer and artistic developer of applications for music and sound. She is member of Orquestra del Caos and Sons de Barcelona. Professor of new technologies on music and sound.
Shelly Knotts (UK) produces live coded and network music systems and performances, which explore data and collaboration.
Diana Medina (Col/SP) is a classically trained singer, sound designer and sound artist. Currently working in interaction of stimulus and perception through multimedia-sound installations.
Amble Skuse (UK) – BBC Performing Arts Fund Music Fellow.
Libertad Figueroa (MX) performs and improvises live-coded music with SuperCollider; senior student of the BA in Communication Science (Faculty of Political and Social Sciences-UNAM).
Jenny Pickett (FR) is a member of the artists’ collective APO33, exploring various collaborative approaches with works that cross electronic music and visual arts and activism.
Friday 23th September
Free – 20:30
Château des Ducs de Bretagne
Encounter with minimalist contemporary music around the composer Radu Malfatti. Radu Malfatti is a historical figure of improvisation. Primarily a trombonist, he is now seen more as a composer. He gradually moved on from the improvisation field to orient himself increasingly towards the written music.
Samedi 24 septembre
5€ – 20h30
Les ateliers de Bitche – 3 rue de Bitche 44000 Nantes (behind the Cité des Congrès).
Concert for Drone, expérimental and noise music
From Wednesday 21st to Friday 23 September
Circularité/Frottement – Exhibition-Performances
It is a machine that produces sound from disc revolutions at various speeds made from such materials as plexiglass, rusted steel, galvanized steel, plated against. These materials have different resonance, various frictions.
Free from Thursday to Friday from 14:00 to 18:00
opening Wednesday 21st September to 19:00 + concert live
Maison des Haubans – 1, bis boulevard de Berlin, 44000 Nantes, Tél. 02 40 41 59 60 (Malakoff, stop: Picasso; Bus C5, stop: Haubans)
The Dime offers mobile electronic music concerts all over the city.
Thursday 22 and Friday 23 September at 12 am (see website for course details).
Du 18 au 23 septembre 2016
Exhibition Le Poids Des choses
Exhibition in 2 axes students of Fine Arts in Nantes as part of of Digital Week
>17th September 2016
Opening at 18:30, 6 place François 2, Nantes.
Opening of the exhibition at lieu unique de 16:00 to 18:00
L’ERRANCE in the salon de musique, le lieu unique, Nantes
18th to 23rd September 2016,
Tuesday to Friday from 14:00 to 19:00,
Sunday from 15:00 to 19:00
Gallery des beaux-arts de Nantes, 6 place François 2
18th Septembre to 2nd October 2016,
from Wednesday to Sunday from 14:00 to 19:30
> 24 September 2016
Evening PERFORMANCES at 18:00 during [NEAR] II
Nantes Electronic Art Rencontre
Exhibition curator: Anaïs Rolez
Quentin Arragon
Perrine Arru
Charles Cailleteau
Collectif Hashbank
Justine Delétang
Margot Gaches
Pernelle Gaufillet
Raphaëlle Kerbrat
Arthur Hureau-Parreira
Édouard Le Boulc’h
Chloé Malaise
Mathilda Nex
Gaspar Nicoulaud
Olivain Porry
Éole Portal-Menichetti
Félix Rodriguez-Sol
Wenjing Zhou
Zeliang Zhou
What is NEAR?
The Nantes Electronic Art Rencontre [NEAR] is a new kind of electronic artistic research, and public presentation of open workshops. For several days a group of artists, theorists, scientists and geeks are invited to exchange together on exploring more intermediate spaces between digital and electronic creation as well as network problematics, creative inventions of new immersive and interconnected techilogical devices.