Concert intime #5 : Rummaging + Fureau

Rummaging (GB impro with objects found in the bin)

“Play a vibration in the rhythm of the universe” Stockhausen (Aus den sieben tagen – 1968)

Attention is in consistency, consistency is the noise. The approach is simple, objects are placed in a box and played with the hands. The act of searching creates sounds through the collisions between objects and that of the box.
The primary goal of search is to create noise.

Fureau Keel VriL (Fr-Nowhere)

FUREAU keel Vril works on the unpredictability, instability of the present moments to come. Disjointed voice , working the texture with objects and cassette recordings.
Facebook: FUREAU Keel Vril

19:00 – Free price (3€ advised, places limited)
Apo33Studio, 17 rue Paul Bellamy, Nantes
