FSM2015 – Nomad Village

APO-33 workshop+concert+presentation – FSM2015 – Village Nomad

Village Nomad 24th – 28th March 2015

APO33 will attend the World Social Forum 2015 in Tunis to exchanges and collaborate with the Nomad Tunisian group. After a break of a few years it is with pleasure that we resume working with the construction team of an alternative translation system but above all with a strong team of volunteers, technicians, artists, geeks, programmers and adventurers of the Free/Libre in North Africa!

Program for village Nomad

This village will be a fixed space within the WSF 2015 site to promote and experiment the uses of free technologies to serve citizens and causes (social, environmental, educational, economic …). As well as a place for presentation of the various self-organised experiences in Tunisia and around the world.
More info : contact@nomad08.org
tel : 00216 98341836

25 March 2015 :

– 8:30-11:00 : Recycling & Composting :
What potential for the social and solidarity economy ? (Association MAYA)
– 11:30-14:00 : The appropriation of knowledge as a means to exit the consumer society model(Nomad08)
– 15:00-17:30 : Les alternatives locales et concrètes pour lutter contre le changement climatique ! (Alternatiba)
-18:00 : musical activities

26 mars 2015 :

– 8:30-11:00 : Sustainability and green technology : workshop interactive (Nomad Alger)
– 11:30-14:00: Alarm Phone workshop (Watch the Med)
– 15:00-17:30 : Workshop on OS libre apodio10 & on the logiciel of streaming with béta-test & exchange with the participants (APO33)
-18:00 : musical activities

27 mars 2015 :

– 8:30-11:00 : Building an international cooperative network technologies (NOMAD International)
– 11:30-14:00 : NEW technologies: Serving Citizens innovation
-15:30-17:30 : Citizen journalism workshop(Twiza)
-18:00 : musical activities

Experimentation workshops and Animations :25, 26,27 Mars 2015

– Initiation in electronic practices (Nomad08)
– solar energy workshop: photovoltaic panels (Nomad08)
– Simultaneous translation Workshop : art of making of a translation system (Nomad08)
– Café Solar Workshop : (Nomad08)
– Documentation & archiving (CMC Regueb,Nab’art,Twiza)
– Composting Workshop waste restoration of the site fsm2015 (Chantier)
– Silkscreen Workshop on multiple media (Twiza)
– Alternative Animation kitchen (BIO)
– Alternative artistic furniture recycling workshop (collectif 5ardeji)
– Robotics Workshop “manufacturing drones” (association Jeunes sciences de Tunisie)
– computer recycling workshop hackerspace, web server and cheap machine with low consumption (Apo33)
– an experimental music evening with circuit bending and hip hop … (Apo33)
– Linux « it is time to move to the free/libre »
– Website Development « Do It yourself »
– Video conference «alternative solution for video-conferences»
– Music workshop (Twiza)
