Exhibition Cyber-Nitouche – 15 March to 17 April

Exhibition “Cyber-Nitouche” – ERASE-N+

On the occasion of the ERASE-N+ meeting, APO33 is organizing an exhibition of artists of the territory on the theme of Cyber-Nitouche.

A shared commissioning with collective planning: Krypt’art (Played on Erdre), the treat (La Roche sur Yon), Gallery A, Formes (Angers), artists collective APO33 (Nantes) and Pole de création Partagé (St Nazaire).


The digital has become ubiquitous, often elevated to the level of a new religion, and so our everyday practices have changed these last ten years. A large portion of the planet’s population wakes and sleeps with their “smart” phones, much of their day is spent in front of a screen and a keyboard. Cyber-Nitouche is a nod to the concept of “digital everything” untouchable and unique in its exponential growth. How artists are asking questions about their artistic practice and digital tools? How creation of their art changes according to new concepts stemming from digital tools (e-waste, interactivity, satellite automation, Internet, mobile phone …)?
APO33 to asked a number of places and associations in the region to propose artists from their territories to answer these questions through artistic, plastic, visual, audio and digital mediums.

Artists :

Amandine Portelli
Carine Lequyer
Collectif Apo33
Wilfried Nail
Colline Leuillet
Sarah Clenet
Julien Le Tallec
Chloé Malaise
Collectif Gaterie
Mistuaiki Saito
Rosa Parlato

opening Tuesday 15 March 2016
L’Atelier – Nantes

Closing Event Saturday 16 April at 20:30 La Plateforme Intermédia / La Fabrique (Encounter, debate, concerts & performances).

+ Debate / presentation Saturday 16 April at 16:00 at l’atelier with the Artistes and the partners from the network Erase-N+

With the support of the Ville de Nantes and the Drac des Pays de la Loire
