Comtemporary Electronic Music Friday 6th December 2019 from 8PM30 Location : Les Ateliers de Bitche 3, rue de Bitche 4000 Nantes Ensemble DIME + participants
Between Brazilian experimental music and tribal percussion, Orgone will play the ensemble of instruments of the American musician Z’EV Friday 15th November 2019 from 8:30
Karkowski : Remix Saturday, November 17th. An evening in memory of the musician-composer Zbigniew Kakowski, who died in 2013. Several musicians, French and Polish composers
“Festival of new Polish music” Wednesday, May 16 Meeting with Polish composers and Nantais musicians. The time of an evening of Polish composers and musicians
Beyond Signal # Apo-33 offers an evening of silence, minimalist composition and electronic sound. With Keith Rowe and Formanex (Nantes) // Taku Sugimoto and Minami
Festival in network Networked audio, digital sound creation festival using the network as a place of diffusion, experimental, drone, noise, field recordings, sound poetry, electronic,
David Fenech, Jac Berrocal et Vincent Epplay These three personalities propose a Synthesis between post-punk, concrete music and ectoplasmic jazz. This trio work out a