Soirée Digitial ANtidote – Wednesday 8th November

IMG_5345Yoga, Noise et cosmic percussion
 Key periods to discover artists out of commun run and to look after your digital crises

Kasper T Toeplitz & Myriam Gourfink – DATA_Noise

DATA_Noise is not a choreography accompanied by the music but a electronic music played in live. One of the techniques used is the use of a very slow dance  which the microscopic movementswill use to inject instability in the process.

Z’Orgone – creation Z’EV + Orgone

On stage, about 10 percussionists bright a delicate sound matter to live, stretched sounds, plush atmosphere. 

Z’EV / Kasper T Toeplitz / Julien Ottavi

This new trio percussion, bass, voice and electronic music try to push the sounds beyond its boundary’s. They build a composition while using classic instruments but at the opposite extreme of rock trio.  

8:30p.m – 5€   



Plateforme Intermédia, La Fabrique 

NEAR III – Digital Antidote

Avec le soutien du Dicream -CNC
