Soirée Digital Antidote – Wednesday 15th November


Yoga, Noise et cosmic percussion
 Key periods to discover artists out of commun run and to look after your digital crises

Eliane Radigue interprété par Deborah Walker

Between 1967 and 2000, Éliane Radigue composed about 20 electronic music works. Unrecognized pioneer, she practises the music with obsession Notoriously slow and painstaking in her work. Radigue has produced in the last decade or so on average one major work every three years. Very recently, in response to the demands of musicians worldwide, she has begun creating works for specific performers and instruments together with electronics. 

Since 2001, Éliane Radigue gave up thecomposition on analogical synthetizer, to devoteitself to an instrumental work which prolongs  without aesthetic rupture its electronic work. Forthe compositor, who always worked only, closecollaboration with the interpreters during theprocess of composition is a revelation


Rona Geffen – The Sound Is The Scenery

“Le son est la médecine du futur” (Edgar Cayce)


The Sound Is The Scenery (TSITS) is a geometrical mathematical spatial composition incorporating planetary frequencies produced by tuning forks and chimes used in sound healing practice, as well as traditional sound healing tools such as percussions and the human voice. The composition combines symbols and archetypes from various cultures and practices with sound in distinct mathematical ratios and geometrical positioning to create an evolving harmony of in-out and personal-communal connection and synchronization aiming to provide self empowerment and consciousness expansion.

NEAR III – Digital Antidote

Avec le soutien du Dicream -CNC
