Programme to come!

Electropixel #11
3 July to 29 August 2021
Linz – Nantes
Electropixel is a festival of emerging digital cultures and free electronic practices, part of an international network of electronic arts festivals. The festival opens a unique space for the meeting of artists (audiovisual, musicians, visual artists, intermedia, performers, etc.), theorists, programmers, tinkerers, and inventors from all walks of life and from the factories of everyday life.
In 2021, the festival will once again attempt mobility and the crossing of artists: meeting and exchange are at the heart of our experience and of our desire to transform the time of the event into a time of transcendence of our current conditions: bathing in free flow is the guideline for our research and a direction for the artists and the public.
Free flow or free artistic circulation
For this new edition of the Electropixel festival we want to explore the field of research related to what we call Free Flow, an expression that can be declined in different ways and interpreted in different ways.
This question of free movement of flows has become of major importance for all populations throughout the world at the present time. From confinement to confinement, crushed by curfews and sanitary protocols, we are prey to the desire for freedom of movement, travel, exchange and encounter, beyond the question of borders, a fundamental problem of a society whose organisation is based on differentiation from another, from those who live elsewhere.
Free movement remains a question of necessity for human beings and, in general, for living beings.
Our research focus is on the issues of free flow in current artistic production: how does this issue influence artists? How does it become an art form in itself?
Can we speak of nomadic art? Or artistic transhumance? Plastic emigration? How does art raise questions about the free movement of people in our territories? If objects can circulate, what about bodies? What about flows of all kinds?
We wish to orientate the curation towards this subject and propose to artists to appropriate these questions within works, performances and projects which can question this theme in its foundations.
With the support of the CNC-Dicream, the City of Nantes and the French Institute.