GIASO – Great International Audio Streaming Orchestra – part I

Online Orchestra vs ConfinementCovid19

Thursday, 2nd of April – at 18:00 to 22:00 (GTM+1)


Listen here ☛

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Come and chat with artists here ☛

Thank you for donation for artists!

An online cross-border orchestra developed by APO33 for the purpose of creating networked performance spaces.The Great international Audio Streaming Orchestra uses Icestream to perform and mix different audio streams. In the performance space the streams are then composed through a spatialization creating a free-multi-directional net-radio system. GIASO performs with new ways for orchestra composition where the composer becomes a virtual entity that emerges from a community of audio explorers/nodes.This orchestra is an online project using live real-time audio transmissions via the internet to create originals compositions where the musicians are spread around the globe. GIASO is a project that creates new relations and aesthetic in music by using the network as its main tool for the transmition and arrangement of the varying oeuvres of participating musicians. The orchestra becomes at once virtual and physical, the ensemble is recomposed within a space, the concerts social relation takes place in another dimension, musician and audience gathered together through the live broadcasts and via a chat system where people exchange about what is happening in the music or how to change the dynamic, the volume, the timbre aspect or anything related to the music.

List of participants :

Shelly Knotts

Jenny Pickett
Philippe Cavaleri

Julien Ottavi

Eric Wong

Seamus O’Donnell

Amble Skuse

Paola Torres Núñez del Prado

Sonified Textile Performance from Paola T on Vimeo.


William Nurdin
