Electropixel #9 – du 21th at 25th of August : Paris

Electropixel #9: Electronic body and abstract morphology of the real

A festival of emerging digital cultures and free electronic practices, Electropixel is part of an international network of electronic arts festivals. It opens up a unique space to bring together artists (audiovisual, musicians, plasticians, intermediates, performers, etc.), theorists, programmers, fiddlers and inventors from all walks of life and from the factories of everyday life.

Check the program here !



Exhibition : Electronic body and abstract morphology of the real
Vernissage 21th August at 6.30PM – Plateforme Paris, 5/6 €

Performance : Grand Computer Orchestra invit locals musicians to participate
Thursday 22th August – Opening at Centre Pompidou Paris and beyond at 8PM

Concert : Orchestre code et disparition des corps
Saturday 24th August at Plateforme Paris – 8.30PM – € donation

Electronoise night
Friday 23rd of August – 8.30pm – 4/5€ – Le Zorba


Exhibition : Electronic body and abstract morphology of the real
Vernissage 21th August at 6.30PM – Plateforme Paris, 5/6 €

Chloé Malaise
Shu Lea Cheang
Joachim Montessuis
Souad Mani et Collectif Apo33
Jenny Pickett et Julien Ottavi

Location : Plateforme Paris
73 rue des Haies, 75020 Paris


Performance : Grand Computer Orchestra invit locals musicians to participate
Thursday 22th August – Opening at la Plateforme Paris and beyond at 8PM

Radio Noise Collective

Location : Centre Pompidou
Place Georges Pompidou, Paris 75004


Concert: Orchestre code et disparition des corps
Saturday 24th August at Plateforme Paris – 8.30PM – € donation

GOO – Grand Orchestre d’Ordinateurs

Location : Plateforme Paris
73 rue des Haies, 75020 Paris



Friday 23rd of August – 8.30pm – 4/5€ – Le Zorba

Electronoise night

Jenny Pickett – sensitive noise synth

Enerzion – noise DIY electronics

Solar Return – Modular synth & radio harsh noise

Julien Heraud – Black Metal Electroacoustic

Cambia – Critical beats

Teniang – field recording indus-riot

Jokilla – UltraSpeedDrum shout performance


with DOXA ESTA support

The venue : Le Zorba
137 rue du faubourg du temple, 75010 Paris, France


More info on Electropixel.org



At the heart of the contemporary world and its issues, the question of the body and its development, its improvement, its enhancement through electronics and digital means, poses many questions to both the thinkers, artists and society as a whole. When we imagine “electronic bodies” we immediately think of ideas of the cyborg and the increasing possibilities of evolving the body through technology.

Donna Haraway tells us that “A cyborg is a cybernetic organism, a hybrid of machine and organism, a creature of social reality as well as a creature of fiction. Social reality is lived social relations, our most important political construction, a world-changing fiction.”

It would be both a fiction but also a social relationship and a way of seeing the living from the perspective of the cybernetic. We believe that there may be other relationships between body and machine that are not only those of Norbert Wiener’s cybernetics, but perhaps something more distant.
We are not all cyborgs in the making, the relationship to the machine is still external: smartphones and laptops are still the tools we use and they are not integrated or connected to our bodies. Whilst, in some cases these links are stronger, such as chips embedded under the skin that send out radio signals to communicate with machines, the future seems uncertain, the approaches multiple and open to varying points of view.

with Support by CNC-Dicream
