Exhibition Cor(vir)tuels

Exhibition Cor(vir)tuels
Carte Blanche at la Fabrique
From October 30 to November 15.

On the subject of performance and virtuality of the body.
The aesthetic criteria of the performance does not correspond to that of dance or music (scenic and classical) or the general spectacle. They are concerned with the position of the body in relation to the space without definition or previously defined codes (choreography or affiliation with the danced body). They concern the bodies that we inhabit, that we sculpt or that are carved. The aesthetic attempt of performance also seeks the limits of the rules of life in society, urban, architectural, social and political formats. Beyond a visual aesthetic, a romantic beauty, artistic performance is at the level of codes, on their diversion and not on their reproduction or preservation.

The body in the performance is central, whether absent or present, whether it is abused or intermediate: its virtualization makes the question of performance ambiguous, as could be in itself a friendship on social networks. Does one have to do with a tangible reality or is it a spectral presence of the Being, a representation pushed to its climax?

Several artists propose works related to the questions of the performance and the virtual body. How is the body represented in their approach? What is the meaning of this virtuality? And finally, what place do these issues occupy in their artistic projects?

With : Hortense Gauthier ; Jaap Blonk ; Jeanne des Abattoirs ; Lucas seguy ; Corpse Etanum ; Joachim Montessuis ; Jenny Pickett ; Arrrrrkkkkrrreeeekkaaaarrr






Opening Tuesday, October 30 at 18:30 Visit from Thursday to Saturday from 16:30 to 19:30 Intermedia platform.
