Programmation April-August

Photo credit: Florian Grond


Here is the program of APO-33 from April to August 2018: concerts, exhibitions, workshops … Stay informed on our facebook page or by subscribing to our newsletter!

April 12 to 15 – Exhibition – Carte blanche to Lars Akerlund – Stockholm 

Saturday, April 14 – Beyond signal # 

Monday, April 16th – Monday is noise !! 

From April 26 to May 12 – Exhibition “Degeneration and Corruption of the Algorithm”

Wednesday, May 16 – Polish New Music Festival

May 25th and 26th – DRUM & PERCUSSION MADNESS!! # 6

Wednesday, June 6 – Intimate Concert # MIRROR REVERSAL TIME

Saturday June 9 – Free Electronics Day

June 13 to 23 – BARG – Anti-radio group Scrambling

July 11 to September 2 – Mary Sherman Summer Exhibition

From August 30 to September 2 – Electropixel Festival
