FUTURS CERVEAUX – From 18th to 19th October

8ae3bea0f85eff6d4631be7493cfd46f--dna-art-black-posterFUTURS CERVEAUX – Collectif Apo33

Participative Installation for a interior relieving cinema 

Your brain controls a set of sounds and colours, these ligths create a relieving shape which helps you to reinforce your celebral waves. During two days, everyone can try this installation to find inner peace.

Open Session from 7:00p.m to 9:00p.mSéances ouvertes au public de 19h à 21h

Wedsneday 18th October et Thursday 19th October

Free entry – Plateforme intermédia, La Fabrique 

NEAR III – Digital Antidote

Avec le soutien du Dicream -CNC
