NEAR III – Digital Antidote

digitalantidoteDIGITAL ANTIDOTE


“Nowhere everywhere” – a colaborative event of numeric and electronic art about numeric cure.

Digitale Antidote is a colaborative event wich aims to create an emulation and mettings about numeric art, post-digital and their relation whith healt.  


Le Nantes Electronic Art Rencontre [NEAR]  is a new type of artistic electronic search , of public presentation and open workshops. During several weeks some artists, theorist, geeks and scientists are invited to collaborate about several intermediary spaces between numeric and electronic. les problématiques de réseau et des inventions créatives de nouveaux dispositifs techniques, immersifs et interconnectés.

 From september the 14th to december the 4th 

Program :

From September 14th to September 23rd

Exposition – Tranzion II – Cure Yourself – immersive  installation of repair of your DNA  // Apo33Studio (la petite galerie d’art sonore) – 17 rue Paul Bellamy // Opening Thursday, September 14 at 6:30p.m – Visit of the Friday to Saturday : 3:00p.m to 6:00p.m 

Friday 15th September

Databytes Loves Machine “ -Conference for pseudo intelligents machines about the relationships between humans and machines. // 6:00 p.m Apo33Studio (la petite galerie d’art sonore) – 17 rue Paul Bellamy 

Saturday 14th September

Day of free electronics (Good for your electronics health) –  -DIY, System bending et free softwear of audio and video creation.//10:00a.m to 6:00p.m – Apo33Studio, 17 rue Paul Bellamy

Tuesday 19th september

Space search multicasting – MaP – Workshop and presentation of tools for streaming by multicast // 6:p.m – Apo33Studio, 17 rue Paul Bellamy 

From October 4th to October 8th

Exhibition DNA to NSA : un biolab DIY in action – Gisle Froyland et Maite Cajaraville  // Opening Wednesday 4th October at 6:30p.m // Thursday and Friday from 5:00p.m to 8:00p.m // Saturday and Sunday from 3:00p.m to 6:00p.m
Free entry – Plateforme Intermédia, La Fabrique

Friday 6th October

Carte Blanche 73notes : David Fenech, Jac Berrocal et Vincent Epplay  // 9:00p.m – 5€ – Plateforme intermédia, La Fabrique

From 18th to 19th October

FUTURS CERVEAUX – Collectif Apo33 // Opening from 7:00p.m to 9:00p.m  // Free entry – Plateforme intermédia

From 26th October to 4th november

Exhibition – Shoï Extrasystole – Harmonie des Sphères // Opening Tuesday 24th October à 6:30p.m // Visit from Thursday to Saturday : 3:00p.m – 6:00p// Free Entry– Plateforme Intermédia, La Fabrique

Wednesday 8th November 

Soirée Digital Antidote – Yoga, Noise et cosmic percussion // Kasper T Toeplitz & Myriam Gourfink – DATA_Noise // Z’Orgone – création Z’EV + Orgone // Z’EV / Kasper T Toeplitz / Julien Ottavi // 20h30 – 3€ –  Plateforme Intermédia, La Fabrique

From 10th to 12th November

Carte blanche : Shu Lea Cheang – Cinéma & interactif artistic game  – film FLUIDØ – exclusif in France et première à Nantes //Friday 10th November : 6:00p.m to 8:00p.m //Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th November : 3:00p.m – 6:00p.m invitation to play UKI – Free entry // Saturday 11th November at 8:30p.m : Projection of Fluido 5€ // Plateforme Intermédia, La Fabrique

Wednesaday 15th November

Soirée Digital Antidote : Eliane Radigue interpreted by Deborah Walker et Rona Geffen  et  The Sound Is The Scenery // 8:30p.m, 5€, Plateforme Intermédia, La Fabrique 
