Electropixel #7 : Organicité Machinique

Electropixel is incorporated within the framework of the international network of electronic arts festivals.this festival open a singular space where artists meet (audio, visuals, musicians, plastic artists, performer, etc), theoreticians, programmers and inventors very differents and of factories of daily routines. More and more rare, these spaces of crossroads become importants and essentials for the development of new kinds of writings, new researches on tomorrow’s possibilities, fields still prospectives and uncertains, just as for innovatives creations and attached to the contemporary utopias.

Apo33 want to offer a lineup with artists and theoreticians who are realizing projects to the top of electronic arts, numeric and intermedia. Our intention and involvement target to improve knowledge of theses new practices, often invisible or underground, and coming from new genres and contemporary codes borned of unusual bifurcations.

This year, the artists invited are :

David Tudor | Gabriel Vogel | Anthony Taillard | Soizic Lebrat | Arthur Narcy | Sylvie Noel | Ensemble Dime | Grand Ensemble d’ordinateurs | Enerzion & Mad Professor | Klusterbounce | Manta | ONsemble | Keith Rowe | Kevin Cardesa | Julien Ottavi | Nathalie Plantin | Romain Papion | Marc Caro | Arthur Hureau | Chloé Malaise | Jenny Pickett | Félix Philippe | Collectif La Gaterie | Amandine Portelli | Krypt’art |

When ? The 6th, 7th, 8th & 9 July 2017

Where ? Plateforme Intermédias / Les Ateliers de Bitche / Apo33 Studio / Mira / Different places of Nantes

Platform Intermédias / Bitche’ workshops / Apo33 Studio / Mira / Differents spaces in Nantes

What ? Installations / Performances / Lives / Exhibitions / Conventions and demonstrations

Who ? Artistes utilisant le numérique / l’électronique / le son / l’intermédia / la performance / la vidéo / l’architecture / la peinture …

Artists used the numerical / The electronic / The sound / Intermedia / The performance / The video / The architecture / The paint

In details :

Thursday 6 July

Plateforme Intermédia

18-23h / Free

Installation & performance – Rainforest IV, David Tudor – Performance and vernissage 5h of concert. With musicians of Dime and ONsemble.

Friday 7 July

In front of th Plateforme Intermédia

21h / Frr

Concerts in front of the Plateforme Intermédia

Gabriel Vogel – (Ensemble Orgone, contemporary percussions – http://apo33.org/index.php/fr/category/orgone/)

Anthony Taillard – (Surface Libre – http://taillard.anthony.free.fr/Site/index.html)

Soizic Lebrat – (Violoncelist – http://www.soiziclebrat.eu)

Arthur Narcy – (Drummer – http://www.yolkrecords.com/fr/index.php?p=artiste&id=130)

Sylvie Noel – (Sound artist, composer of électroacoustic musics,…)

Florian Tositti – percussion and performance

Fabrice Arnaud-Crémon & Christophe Havard – (Clarinettist, composer of electroacoustic music – http://h.c.echange.free.fr/ressources_sites/NOM_DE_CODE_VILLA_B.pdf)

Ensemble Dime (Nantes / Electronic-Experimental, Noise – https://apo33.org/agency/?p=76&lang=fr)

Saturday 8 July

Les ateliers Bitche

21h / 5€

Concert “Electronoise”

Grand Ensemble d’ordinateurs

Enerzion & Mad Processor – (Nantes / Noise – https://soundcloud.com/enerzion / http://cargocollective.com/loic-comment)

Julien Le Tallec & Carine Lequyer – (Krypt’art / Laboratoire sonore – http://lequyercarine.blogspot.fr / http://julien-le-tallec.wixsite.com/machigan)

Arthur Hureau – (Noise Happening)

Klusterbounce – (Clisson / Pandead Records)


Dé drone


Saturday 8 & Sunday 9 July

Plateforme Intermédia, Jardin C, Mira

11h -18h00 / Free

Exposition, hackerspace and urban installation

Open Hackerspace to discover artistic Do it Yourself and art of power hacking (circuit bending, live coding, arduino construction, sensor and brainwaves)

Hackerspace and demonstation of numeric creation tools

Thêta Fantômes, Arduino, Brainwaves – Apo33

Circuit Bending – Enerzion

Analog synth – Nicolas Rousseau

Hacking video – Mad Professor

Motor and piezo – Gabriel Vogel

Listening photons – Kevin Cardesa

Live coding – Arthur Hureau

Installation and exhibition

Rainforest IV – Tudor – Plateforme Intermédia

Amandine Portelli – Plateforme Intermédia

Kévin Cardesa feat. Todel (Tom Rider & Delphine Wibaux) – Jardin C

Loïc Frejaville – Mira
