La petite galerie d’art sonore présente : Luc Kerléo

La petite galerie d’art sonore présente : Luc Kerléo


Since my childhood, I began to modify electronic toys to make them create unusual sounds. It’s during my curse in the Beaux-arts that these sound experimentations has met my work of sculpture that I was leading. It results in « invisible sculptures ».

Price of visual arts of the city of Nantes 2015

Since many years, Luc Kerléo is using the space of the tape by realizing sound rooms ; he also products sound installations by using in their diffusion conditions to steer auditors to an acoustic understanding and a sustained attention due to the stability of volumes. Luc Kerléo has been coming to realize an installation of multi frequencies acoustic modules at the Caméléon of Besançon in January 1997.


Preview the Thursday 8th June at 7 p.m

Visit from the Wednesday to the Saturday, from 2 p.m to 5 p.m, from 8th to 15th June.

Apo33 Studio – 17 Rue Paul Bellamy. Nantes

