“Mutation d’espace” by the ChaosLab “The Internet’s Entropic Silences”

Exhibition “Mutation d’espace” by ChaosLab

“The Internet’s Entropic Silences”


Our position is to sniff the network and transform it into its sonorous and visual potential. We intend to build a set of relationships and code translation systems related to methods of network hacking, activity detection, machine names and information transmission across the ether. Silence does exist and the Internet is NOISY. We are temporal travelers who traverse space emancipated from our obsolete bodies. Chaoslab extends the notion of chaos and entropy to the representation of the network, it is not a finished or established work but uses protocols of transformation of the continuously expanding and invisible virtual space.

Chaoslab invades and distorts its own framework of creation and collaborative practices.

A disorder of noise, electronics, conflicting images, duplicated perceptions, stretched and multiplying its temporality, exchanging in a flux of chaos and maelstrom of found objects.

The ChaosLab is a universal collective, without attachments or geographical place. Members are spread all over the world and have no fixed space of existence. ChaosLab doesn’t have a web site.


Preview on April 14 at 6:30pm

Open from Thursday to Saturday from 3pm to 6pm

Free entry, Plateforme Intermédia / Apo33. Nantes


