ONsemble with Keith Rowe et Michael Pisaro

ONsemble with Keith Rowe et Michael Pisaro

Michael Pisaro is a composer and guitarist, member of the collective of composers Wandelweiser. Most of his recent years plays are published by Editions Wandelweiser (Germany). He played many of his own works and those of Antoine Beuger, Shim Kunsu Jürg Frey and Manfred Werder, and also works of the experimental tradition, especially John Cage, Christian Wolff, Robert Ashley and George Brecht.

Keith Rowe is an English musician and composer who lives in Vallet (Nantes vineyards) for over 20 years. He nourishes the electronic, improvised and contemporary music scene of our territory. He is a historical precursor of this genre for the last 50 years with John Cage, Morton Feldman, Christian Wolff, Cornelius Cardew, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Pierre Schaeffer and many others.

rowe et pisaro

L’ONsemble is a set of electronic and contemporary music evolving between Nantes and Saint-Nazaire bringing together musicians of all kinds : Instrumentalists, improvisers, composers with the objective to play, create and interpret works of these past forty years.

Useful informations :

Saturday, May 28 at 8.30pm (20h30)

Plateforme Intermédia / La Fabrique, 2 boulevard Léon Bureau, Nantes

Price : 6€
