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who_i_am [2016/01/20 18:55] julienwho_i_am [2023/09/22 19:04] (current) julien
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 +====== Introduction ======
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 +Over many years I developed an artistic research practice based on new forms of musical writings using computers, audio and networks. As a consequence of musical interpretation of Graphical scores such as Cornelius Cardew’s “Treatise”, Earle Brown’s “December” and John Cage’s ‘“Cartridge music” I have focused my work on the idea of programmatic composition, researching in the field of coding as a score or a merger of score, instrument and direction. Therefore, when I write a piece of code or a “patch” (I use puredata as my main coding platform) with an emphasis on specific ideas like “frequencies studies” or “white noise music”, then the program moves the interpretation towards an advanced area whereof the musician follows undetermined paths - the Graphical score in which his interpretation is strongly related to the composition’s openness.
 +The computer became, for me, a musical realm where musicians, interpreters, composers, programmers and so on will merge with new tools where unimagined musical possibles occurs . More than an instrument, the computer comprises a whole new understanding of musical composition. I can build my instrument and write a composition together whilst I interpret and play the music itself to an audience and simultaneously record and distribute the results across the globe. I can control the entire chain of artistic production, from its writing/conception until its production/distribution
 +Regular collaborators include : jenny Pickett, Brandon Labelle, Keith Rowe, Kasper T. Toeplitz, Joachim Montessuis, Joerg Piringer, Achim Wollscheid, Zbigniew Karkowski, KKNULL, Ilios, Dion Workman, Carl Stone, Mike Bullock,Phill Niblock, Seth Cluett...etc.
 +His work has been presented internationally: STEIM – Amsterdam,  Junctions/Verbidingen Festival – Brussels, Piksel festival – Bergen – Norway, Knitting Factory Old Office, NYC, Art museum of Nantes – France, DEAF (V2.nl) Rotterdam, Salon Bruit - Berlin,, TWEAK FESTIVAL-  Limerick/Ireland, PDCONF09 - Sao Paulo / Brazil, Subtle Technologies Festival - Toronto / Canada, MAL AU PIXEL - Paris / FR, Goldsmiths College / London - UK, Riam Festival - Marseille - France, MobilFest III - Sao Paulo / B&razil, Bandits-mages Bourges - France, RadiaLx2008 - Lisbon, European Sound Delta - Bulgaria/Roumania, Architectones & Nuit Bleues - Arc & Senans/France, Aloardi todo es chevere!! Festival - Peru, sound art festival - Krakow/Poland - novembre 2006, Arteleku Saint Sébastien / Spain, Earthsquake Festival – New-York/US, radioqualia - Amsterdam, residency at Festival Parochial - Berlin, Montevidéo - Marseille, Festival Musique Action - Nancy, CCN - Belfort, CCN - Rennes, Le centre d’Art la Criée - Rennes, La Halle aux Grains - Blois, Festival La batie - Genéve, Festival Dança Na Cidade - Lisbone, Festival Fast Forward - Salzbourg, La ménagerie de Verre - Paris, Kunsten Festival Des Arts - Bruxelles, ZDB Lisbonne - Portugal, Electronic Orphanage - Chinatown - Los Angeles, Fitigogo Gallery - Albuquerque - New Mexico, Dodorama - Rotterdam - Hollande, Recyclart - Bruxelles - Belgique, Musée d’art Contemporain – Strasbourg...etc.
 +====== Research activities: ======
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 +Since 1997, he develops a composition work on the voice and its transformation by computer. Active developer of audio/visual programs with Puredata, he has also developed since many years DIY electronics (radio transmitters, oscillators, mixers, amplifiers, video transmitters...etc) in the perspective of knowledge sharing on technological development. 
 +Main developer for the Gnu/Linux operating system APODIO for digital art and A/V & streaming manipulation http://www.apodio.org
 +His practices is not limited to the art spheres but crosses different fields from technological development to philosophy research, biomimetic analysis & experimentation. Since many years he reflects on the relations between experimental practices and collective practices within the creation of autonomous collective groups, putting in question the authorship strategy of the "art ideology".
 +As a sound composer he works on « programmatic compositions », producing computer series of solos : "Nervure Magnétique" - "séries du bruit blanc et rose" , « série métapercussions » "étudesauxhertz" ...(concerts in Europe -  2000/2001, United states 2002/2003/2005). 
 +Develops all his researsh with computer and Puredata software and Gnu/Linux operating system. - For these series, he works with some limited sound materials (noise, frequencies, sinus, percussions samples...etc) and uses the computer as an instrument to play music and modify space.
 +-founders and member of FORMANEX, electroacoustic quatuor of chamber music from XXe and  XXIe century, which plays graphic scores and others kind of scores from composers like Cornelius Cardew, John Cage, Christian Wolf, Morton Feldman, Earle Brown, Jerome Joy, Kasper T. Toeplitz, Ralf Wehowsky… etc.
 +-Founder, artistic programmer, audio/video computer researcher (network and audio research) and mix-media artist of APO33:
 +Art, technology and research laboratory based in Nantes working in the fields of sound art, free software, collaborative practices, micromedia and urban and environmental mutations.
 +It is at the initiative of several collective projects linking research, experimentation and intervention in social contexts.
 +APO33 develops several activities : creation to facilitate the development of experimental sound creation practices. APO33 with its own CIA (Cell for Intervention in Art/apo33), created a collective for sound/radio creation (artistic research, participation in festivals, residences, publications...). Technological Research on digital tools (web-radios, server networks, collaborative plate-forms...) and electronic devices. Theoretical research (organizing seminars, seminars, workshops with an interdisciplinary approach). Educational activities (teaching and workshops). Diffusion, Apo33 frequently invites artists  from all over the world to present their work, set up collaborations or exchanges.
 +In the framework of Apo33 2003, Julien Ottavi worked on the webradio reseal project : RACCORPS. As a continuation of their activities of creation and research, APO33 settled up, during In 2003, a research laboratory focused on the relation between audio art and streaming tools.
 +This research project resulted in the creation of the OCTOPUS (2005/2006) : network sound streaming installation between several cities in France (http://poulpe.apo33.org)
 +-Co-director of Area10medialab in Peckham London from 2007 to 2009.
 +As part of Area10 the new medialab platform has been introduced to facilitate the development of research and art practices using new technology in the media arts. A10lab aims to establish a strong community of users both locally and internationally. A10 is able to provide support, space and skills in which digital media projects, workshops and/or research can be realized for either individual practitioners, media groups or local colleges and universities.
 +A10lab provides a space that encourages cross-disciplinary collaborations between various arts and science/technology based practices, and facilitates open and critical discussion in view of knowledge sharing and skills transfer.  
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 +project developed with A10LAB (2007/2008):
 +-[OPEN|SHARE]: Regular open exchange / technological playground / sessions at A10Medialab 
 +[OPEN|SHARE] sessions are being introduced at A10lab to provide an informal open space to exchange on the creative implementation and experimentation of technological hardware and software. These sessions will have a singular technological focal point from which peer to peer knowledge sharing can extended. 
 +-Open Streaming Activation
 +A10lab is pleased to introduces Fibrr Records - An experimental label supporting innovative artistic practices through a net label and CD distribution. 
 +Fibrr Records will activate a new series of experimentation in mixed-media (audio, video, text, performance…etc) at Apo33lab, where people can present there own research projects and/or crossovers with other people’s work in an open session that holds no bounds in terms of form or content.
 +-A10lab server
 +A10lab run its own server which hosts different websites related to the lab (the scie protocol, NoiZMutation, beyond signal...). A10lab dedicated another server for audio/video streaming open to lab users and related projects (Bot, Open Streaming activation...). 
 +-project developed in collaboration with A10lab/APO33 :
 +-THE SCIE PROTOCOL is developing their research on their performance "Dyn-amo artefacts". Based on a discussion between an automated video score responding to a performer, who in turn responds to the video. Using Pure Data programming, the performer triggers the composition of the images and deconstructs their narrative content according to the performers relationship to these images.  
 +invited for Piksel festival 2008 
 +-BOT: Virtual Lab
 +In collaboration with Apo33, BOTs form a virtual community trough a network of server. it aggregates various entities into one place and then diffuse them on to other places. BOTs are a new approach to some digital phenomena: networks, immobile multi-geolocation, inter-connections of on-line interventions and processing of immediate data, automating a certain treatment of reality and, especially in the BOT case, opening up a field for permanent and ubiquitous experimentation. 
 +Developed numbers of collaborations and many projects around the field of experimental music, sound art, interactive installation, street action, live performance, hacking, activism, philosophy...etc
 +====== Academic qualifications: ======
 +-PhD in Arts - Lorraine University - Metz - 2018
 +- MA in art, sound, composition and computer music - Art School / Nantes - 2002
 +- training on real-time interaction and psycho-acoutic – IRCAM / Paris - 2001
 +- Study Concrete Music composition – Art School / Nantes – 1998/2001
 +- BA in art – Art School / Nantes – 2000
 +-Drums & percussions music school of Tours - musical training certificate - 1995
 +====== Grants & awards: ======
 +-Grant from the southwark council for the Digital junk medialab in Cossall (Peckham) – Body performance, hacking, network, computer music and environnement – production – 2008/2009
 +-Grant from the CNC (DICREAM) for the research project « the 5th dimension » art, technology and gaming – in collaboration with APO33 – modelisation – 2007/2008
 +-Grant from the CNC (DICREAM) for the production of Raccorps as the POULPE, automation computer installation between different cities – in collaboration with APO33 – production – 2005/2006
 +-Grant from Cultural ministery to develop APODIO, gnu/linux platform for audio/video creation, in collaboration with IRCAM/APO33 – 2004/2005
 +-Grant from the CNC (DICREAM) for the research project on audio, network and collaborative practice « Raccorps » in collaboration with APO33 - modelisation – 2004
 +-Grant from the French Cultural Ministery to develop AGGLO audio collective research (art & technologiy) in collaboration with the Art School of Nice (Villa Arson) - 2003
 +====== Bio Français ======
 +Médiactiviste, artiste-chercheur, poète, théoricien et arracheur de langue, compositeur / musicien, réalisateur de films expérimentaux et performeur (corps & mouvement)…etc. Membre fondateur d’Apo33 (laboratoire artistique, technologique et théorique transdisciplinaire), Ecos (Eco-création) et activateur des labels Noise Mutation et Fibrr Records. Il développe un travail de recherche et de création croisant art sonore, poésie sonore, nouvelles technologies, bricolage de dispositifs électroniques et performance physique. Actif dans le mouvement du libre, il développe la distribution multimédia Gnu/Linux Apodio. Sa pratique d'écriture musicale se décline autour de performance machininique avec la mise en place de système de composition programmatique où le programme informatique devient la partition. De même à travers le corps toujours au centre à la fois comme animalité, ou comme être à soi et aux autres, mettant en action de nombreuses performances sur le devenir du corps, le corps mutant, le corps et la voix, le corps urbain...etc pouvant osciller entre situation urbaine ou contexte de workshop. Mouvement d'aller et retour dans l'écriture, le texte et le langage ont aussi une grande importance dans sa pratique, expérimentation théorique et poétique, de la page au dire, il a écrit plusieurs textes autour des pratiques sonores, art et mouvement du libre mais aussi sur le hacking, la dérive et la perte du langage. Au delà des médiums et des catégories, l’activation et la mise en abime d’énergies, de concepts et de forces par l’expérience est une des ses manières de pratiquer la création dans ses réalités matérielles, sociales, sensorielles, sensibles et conceptuelles.
 +Depuis plus de 12 ans il diffuse sa musique, ses performances et installations sur la scéne inernationale. Il Collabore réguliérement avec des artistes de renommés comme Jenny Pickett, Brandon Labelle, Keith Rowe, Kasper T. Toeplitz, Jerome Joy, Ryan Jordan,  Joachim Montessuis, Achim Wollscheid, Zbigniew Karkowski, Randy Yau, Ilios, Dominique Leroy, Dion Workman, Yvan Etienne, Brice Jeannin, Jenny Pickett, Mike Bullock, Phill Niblock, Seth Cluett...etc.  
 +Festivals et lieux où Il a pu présenter ses piéces, expérimentation et autres (sélection) : STEIM – Amsterdam,  Junctions/Verbidingen Festival – Brussels, Piksel festival – Bergen – Norway, Knitting Factory Old Office, NYC, Art museum of Nantes – France, DEAF (V2.nl) Rotterdam, Salon Bruit - Berlin,, TWEAK FESTIVAL-  Limerick/Ireland, PDCONF09 - Sao Paulo / Brazil, Subtle Technologies Festival - Toronto / Canada, MAL AU PIXEL - Paris / FR, Goldsmiths College / London - UK, Riam Festival - Marseille - France, MobilFest III - Sao Paulo / B&razil, Bandits-mages Bourges - France, RadiaLx2008 - Lisbon, European Sound Delta - Bulgaria/Roumania, Architectones & Nuit Bleues - Arc & Senans/France, Aloardi todo es chevere!! Festival - Peru, sound art festival - Krakow/Poland - novembre 2006, Arteleku Saint Sébastien / Spain, Earthsquake Festival – New-York/US, radioqualia - Amsterdam, residency at Festival Parochial - Berlin, Montevidéo - Marseille, Festival Musique Action - Nancy, CCN - Belfort, CCN - Rennes, Le centre d’Art la Criée - Rennes, La Halle aux Grains - Blois, Festival La batie - Genéve, Festival Dança Na Cidade - Lisbone, Festival Fast Forward - Salzbourg, La ménagerie de Verre - Paris, Kunsten Festival Des Arts - Bruxelles, ZDB Lisbonne - Portugal, Electronic Orphanage - Chinatown - Los Angeles, Fitigogo Gallery - Albuquerque - New Mexico, Dodorama - Rotterdam - Hollande, Recyclart - Bruxelles - Belgique, Musée d’art Contemporain – Strasbourg...etc.