Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut a sapien. Aliquam aliquet purus molestie dolor. Integer quis eros ut erat posuere dictum. Curabitur dignissim. Integer orci. Fusce vulputate lacus at ipsum. Quisque in libero nec mi laoreet volutpat. Aliquam eros pede, scelerisque quis, tristique cursus, placerat convallis, velit. Nam

Continue reading "Very long post title as often appears in art and music!!!"

// NoFestival - Create a custom metabox function nofestival_add_event_date_metabox() { add_meta_box( 'nofestival_event_date_metabox', 'Event Date', 'nofestival_display_event_date_metabox', 'post', // You can specify other post types if needed 'normal', 'high' ); } // NoFestival - Display the custom field in the metabox function nofestival_display_event_date_metabox($post) { $event_date = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_event_date', true); echo '<label for="event_date">Event

Continue reading "Custom Meta box"

add custom.js document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {const menuToggle = document.querySelector(".menu-toggle");const mainNavigation = document.querySelector(".main-navigation");const menuIcon = document.querySelector(".menu-toggle i");menuToggle.addEventListener("click", function () {mainNavigation.classList.toggle("mobile-menu-open");if (mainNavigation.classList.contains("mobile-menu-open")) { menuIcon.classList.add("rotate-icon");} else { menuIcon.classList.remove("rotate-icon");}});const menuItems = document.querySelectorAll(".menu-item");menuItems.forEach(function (item) {item.addEventListener("click", function (event) {mainNavigation.classList.remove("mobile-menu-open");menuIcon.classList.remove("rotate-icon");});});}); Add to functions.php class [your-theme-name]_Walker_Nav_Menu extends Walker_Nav_Menu { function start_el( &$output, $item, $depth = 0, $args =

Continue reading "Mobile Friendly Menu"

a bit of text here.... // NoFestival - Create a custom metabox function nofestival_add_event_details_metabox() { add_meta_box( 'nofestival_event_details_metabox', 'Event Details', // Updated title to include details 'nofestival_display_event_details_metabox', 'post', // You can specify other post types if needed 'normal', 'high' ); } // Set the default timezone to Europe/Paris date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Paris'); // NoFestival

Continue reading "Event Plugin"

Here's an updated version of your code that removes any prefix: php <?php $archive_title = get_the_archive_title(); $prefixes_to_remove = array('Category: ', 'Tag: '); // Add more prefixes if needed // Remove prefixes $trimmed_title = str_replace($prefixes_to_remove, '', $archive_title); echo '<h1 class="page-title">' . $trimmed_title . '</h1>'; the_archive_description( '<div class="archive-description">', '</div>' ); ?> In

Continue reading "Remove Category Tags and Prefixes"