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====== HYDROPHONIC RECORDINGS ====== ** Recordings made with hydrophonic microphone. A "Hydrophone" is a device which will listen to, or pick up, the acoustic energy underwater. A hydrophone converts acoustic energy into electrical energy and is used in passive underwater systems to listen only. Hydrophones are usually used below their resonance frequency over a much wider frequency band where they provide uniform output levels.** {{mic_hydro.jpg|}} ===== Mediterranean Sea - August 2016 ===== Hydrophone recordings made in the Mediterranean sea in August 2016. 32 min of beautiful sounds from Planctons and fishes with no other pollution. Signal is Cristal clear and the nature is very active. <html> <iframe src="" width="500" height="50" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" allowfullscreen></iframe> </html> {{:underthesea1.jpg?400 |}}{{:underthesea2.jpg?400|}} ===== July 2015 - Frostrup / Danemark ===== Pond insects with animal wild life <html> <iframe src="" width="500" height="100" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" allowfullscreen></iframe> </html> [[|download not compressed file]] {{:pond1.jpg?400 |}}{{:pond2.jpg?400|}} ===== August 2015 - Vigso / Danemark ===== underwater sound recording of Vigso bunkers <html> <iframe src="" width="500" height="150" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" allowfullscreen></iframe> </html> [[|download not compressed files]] {{:bunkers.jpg?500|}} ===== july 2010 - Solleftea / Sweden ===== __ANGERMANÄLVEN RIVER - Solleftea__ **recordings made around the city of Solleftea, near the barage and up west the river** <html> <iframe src="" width="500" height="210" frameborder="0"></iframe> </html> [[|archive direct download]] {{theriver.jpg|}}{{barrage1_city_side.jpg |}}{{barage3_city_side.jpg |}}{{barage2_city_side.jpg |}}{{barage1_bridge_side.jpg |}}{{barage2_bridge_side.jpg |}}{{barage_internal.jpg |}}{{bridge_town_fountain.jpg |}}{{bridge2island.jpg |}}{{mic_filtering_water.jpg |}}{{island_underwater_sound_insects_high_pitch.jpg |}}{{camp_water_insects_rec.jpg|}} ===== july 2007 - Correze & Creuse / France ===== __CASCADE DES JARREAUX - CREUSE (20th of july) :__ **recording made in the cascade des jarreaux - discovered sound from the insect : Gerris Lacustris** <html> <body> <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="400" height="170" data="xspf_player.swf?playlist_url=playlist1.xspf"> <param name="movie" value="xspf_player.swf?playlist_url=playlist1.xspf" /> </object> </body> </html> {{pommerie07:pont_hydrophone_gerris_20_07_07.jpg|}}{{pommerie07:gerris.jpg|}} [[|download all sounds]] ===== 10 & 16 of december 2006 - Marseille / Cassis / Ciotat - France ===== __CALLELONGUE CALANQUE & CASSIS PORT__ recordings made with hydrophone in the Callelongue Calanque port & in Cassis port <html> <body> <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="400" height="170" data="xspf_player.swf?playlist_url=playlist14.xspf"> <param name="movie" value="xspf_player.swf?playlist_url=playlist14.xspf" /> </object> </body> </html> {{callelongue.jpg|}} __SORMIOU & FIGUEROLLES CALANQUES__ recordings made with hydrophone in the Cassis Calanque Sormiou & Figuerolles <html> <body> <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="400" height="170" data="xspf_player.swf?playlist_url=playlist13.xspf"> <param name="movie" value="xspf_player.swf?playlist_url=playlist13.xspf" /> </object> </body> </html> {{envau1.jpg|}}{{figuerolles.jpg|}} ===== 11/12 of november 2006 - Nantes / France ===== __ERDRE & LOIRE RIVERS__ [[|recordings made with hydrophone in the Loire & Erdre River (Art Libre Licence)]] . {{erdre1.jpg}}

hydrophonic_recordings.1591805374.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/10 18:09 by julien