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====== HYDROPHONIC RECORDINGS ====== ** Recordings made with hydrophonic microphone (home-made or not) A "Hydrophone" is a device which will listen to, or pick up, the acoustic energy underwater. A hydrophone converts acoustic energy into electrical energy and is used in passive underwater systems to listen only. Hydrophones are usually used below their resonance frequency over a much wider frequency band where they provide uniform output levels.** {{mic_hydro.jpg|}} ===== july 2010 - Solleftea / Sweden ===== __ANGERMANÄLVEN RIVER - Solleftea__ **recordings made around the city of Solleftea, near the barage and up west the river** <html> <body> <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="400" height="170" data="xspf_player.swf?playlist_url=playlist18.xspf"> <param name="movie" value="xspf_player.swf?playlist_url=playlist18.xspf" /> </object> </body> </html> [[|archive direct download]] {{theriver.jpg|}}{{barrage1_city_side.jpg |}}{{barage3_city_side.jpg |}}{{barage2_city_side.jpg |}}{{barage1_bridge_side.jpg |}}{{barage2_bridge_side.jpg |}}{{barage_internal.jpg |}}{{bridge_town_fountain.jpg |}}{{bridge2island.jpg |}}{{mic_filtering_water.jpg |}}{{island_underwater_sound_insects_high_pitch.jpg |}}{{camp_water_insects_rec.jpg|}} ===== july 2007 - Correze & Creuse / France ===== __CASCADE DES JARREAUX - CREUSE (20th of july) :__ **recording made in the cascade des jarreaux - discovered sound from the insect : Gerris Lacustris** <html> <body> <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="400" height="170" data="xspf_player.swf?playlist_url=playlist1.xspf"> <param name="movie" value="xspf_player.swf?playlist_url=playlist1.xspf" /> </object> </body> </html> {{pommerie07:pont_hydrophone_gerris_20_07_07.jpg|}}{{pommerie07:gerris.jpg|}} [[|download all sounds]] ===== 10 & 16 of december 2006 - Marseille / Cassis / Ciotat - France ===== __CALLELONGUE CALANQUE & CASSIS PORT__ recordings made with hydrophone in the Callelongue Calanque port & in Cassis port <html> <body> <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="400" height="170" data="xspf_player.swf?playlist_url=playlist14.xspf"> <param name="movie" value="xspf_player.swf?playlist_url=playlist14.xspf" /> </object> </body> </html> {{callelongue.jpg|}} __SORMIOU & FIGUEROLLES CALANQUES__ recordings made with hydrophone in the Cassis Calanque Sormiou & Figuerolles <html> <body> <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="400" height="170" data="xspf_player.swf?playlist_url=playlist13.xspf"> <param name="movie" value="xspf_player.swf?playlist_url=playlist13.xspf" /> </object> </body> </html> {{envau1.jpg|}}{{figuerolles.jpg|}} ===== 11/12 of november 2006 - Nantes / France ===== __ERDRE & LOIRE RIVERS__ [[|recordings made with hydrophone in the Loire & Erdre River (Art Libre Licence)]] . {{erdre1.jpg}}

hydrophonic_recordings.1279491529.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/12/29 10:55 (external edit)