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 +===== Dime Ensemble + Guests - Continuum Composition =====
 +For this new composition,​ Dime Ensemble invites electronic musicians from Bergen, Lima and Limassol to join a common Glocal performance in one single orchestral network music symphony.
 +The ChaosOrchestra is playing a new collective online performance with visuals and sound experimentation through the network.
 +Dime Ensemble is entering the force of Chaoslab with a performance in shared virtual space, joining outer-space inside cables transmission. Experimentation in signal production join the beyond through inter-connected physical space.
 +Dime Ensemble – APO33 (FR) + Vonrik Haug – Piksel (NO) + TransPiksel Abya Yala (PE) + MAD Lab (GR)
 +Dime Ensemble musicians for this album are:
 +Julien Ottavi – Modular synth, guitar-bass,​ mpc
 +Jenny Pickett – Guitar, Modular synth
 +Vonrik Haug - Electronics
 +Chloé Malaise -computer & circuit bending
 +Julien Héraud – modular synth
 +Vincent Loret – modular synth
 +Robin Plastre – electronics
 +Marco Valdivia - computer
 +Marinos Koutsomichalis,​ - Supercollider
 +Andreas Kitsis -Electronics
 +Antonis Theodosiou - Electronics  ​
 +<iframe style="​border:​ 0; width: 80%; height: 120px;"​ src="​https://​​EmbeddedPlayer/​album=140050549/​size=large/​bgcol=333333/​linkcol=0f91ff/​tracklist=false/​artwork=small/​transparent=true/"​ seamless><​a href="​https://​​album/​continuum-composition">​Continuum Composition by Dime Ensemble</​a></​iframe>​
 +released December 20, 2022 
 +===== Orgone Percussion Ensemble - Rhythmajik - Live at Plateforme Intermedia =====
 +Recorded Live the 24th of April 2021 at Plateforme Intermedia, Nantes - France.
 +Orgone uses Z'EV instruments for this recording.
 +Apo33 carries Z'EV legacy onwards and started a regular residency called Rhythmajik. For this first residency Orgone Percussion Ensemble from Nantes used multiple rhythmajik from Z'​EV'​s book. They worked for a week on all his instruments that had been given by Z'EV to Apo33.
 +This is the pre-order of Orgone new CD using Z'EV instruments in their composition based on Z'EV rhythmajik numbers. Another surprise track will come with the CD.
 +Percussionists:​ Jean Grimaut, Gabriel Vogel, Jenny Pickett, Romain Papion, Nathalie Plantin et Julien Ottavi
 +<iframe style="​border:​ 0; width: 80%; height: 120px;"​ src="​https://​​EmbeddedPlayer/​album=3255872847/​size=large/​bgcol=333333/​linkcol=0f91ff/​tracklist=false/​artwork=small/​transparent=true/"​ seamless><​a href="​https://​​album/​rhythmajik-live-at-plateforme-intermedia">​Rhythmajik - Live at Plateforme Intermedia by Orgone Percussion Ensemble</​a></​iframe>​
 +released March 23, 2022 
 +===== AlgoNoiseOrchestra - Dropping Symphony =====
 +First album of the AlgoNoiseOrchestra.
 +recorded live at Audioblast8 festival
 +<iframe style="​border:​ 0; width: 80%; height: 120px;"​ src="​https://​​EmbeddedPlayer/​album=1530532540/​size=large/​bgcol=333333/​linkcol=0f91ff/​tracklist=false/​artwork=small/​transparent=true/"​ seamless><​a href="​https://​​album/​dropping-symphony">​Dropping Symphony by AlgoNoiseOrchestra</​a></​iframe>​
 +===== AUTOMATED DRUMMER - Imperception =====
 +<iframe style="​border:​ 0; width: 50%; height: 120px;"​ src="​https://​​EmbeddedPlayer/​album=269951565/​size=large/​bgcol=333333/​linkcol=0f91ff/​tracklist=false/​artwork=small/​transparent=true/"​ seamless><​a href="​https://​​album/​imperception">​Imperception by AUTOMATED DRUMMER</​a></​iframe>​
 +When drummer are no more!
 +AD made a new album as one drone percussion automated single shot.
 +Automated Drummer use meta-drumming as its main instrument, beyond drumming what is left?
 +released March 31, 2021 
 +===== NATASSIA KOULIEV - Razdrazheniye kozhi =====
 +<iframe style="​border:​ 0; width: 100%; height: 120px;"​ src="​https://​​EmbeddedPlayer/​album=3276177807/​size=large/​bgcol=333333/​linkcol=0f91ff/​tracklist=false/​artwork=small/​transparent=true/"​ seamless><​a href="​https://​​album/​razdrazheniye-kozhi">​Razdrazheniye kozhi by Natassia Kouliev</​a></​iframe>​
 +New album from the Russian sound artist Natassia Kouliev.
 +10 years after her first album, she choose the piano again as source of her music. Beyond ambiant and granular music.
 +<iframe src="​https://​​embed/​cover-razdrazheniye-kozhi-natassia-kouliev&​playlist=1&​autoplay=0"​ width="​500"​ height="​100"​ frameborder="​0"​ webkitallowfullscreen="​true"​ mozallowfullscreen="​true"​ allowfullscreen></​iframe>​
 +<iframe style="​border:​ 0; width: 100%; height: 120px;"​ src="​https://​​EmbeddedPlayer/​album=527129112/​size=large/​bgcol=333333/​linkcol=0f91ff/​tracklist=false/​artwork=small/​transparent=true/"​ seamless><​a href="​https://​​album/​colder-corner">​Colder Corner by Simon Deterne</​a></​iframe>​
 +<iframe src="​https://​​embed/​simon-deterne-colder-corner-master-24bits&​playlist=1"​ width="​500"​ height="​100"​ frameborder="​0"​ webkitallowfullscreen="​true"​ mozallowfullscreen="​true"​ allowfullscreen></​iframe>​
 +Composed using major appliances recordings from 2012 to 2020. Assembled during the Storm Alex at Petit Billoux, Peyrelevade,​ on early October 2020. Thanks to Robin Plastre and FibrrRecords.
 +===== RPT - REFLETS =====
 +<iframe style="​border:​ 0; width: 50%; height: 100px;"​ src="​https://​​EmbeddedPlayer/​album=3854024835/​size=large/​bgcol=333333/​linkcol=0f91ff/​tracklist=false/​artwork=small/​track=739166332/​transparent=true/"​ seamless><​a href="​https://​​album/​reflets">​REFLETS by RPT</​a></​iframe>​
 +RPT ou Reaction Power Trio est un collectif originaire de Nancy (France) à géométrie variable, basé autour des musiques improvisées et expérimentales. Véritable laboratoire artistique, il est constitué de groupes et de projets aux orientations diverses qui ont pu s'​exprimer depuis 2007 en France, en Europe et en Asie. Performances,​ vidéos, installations sonores, collages, bidouillages textes, jeux...tout est bon à prendre, à utiliser et à transformer pour RPT. Avec comme mot d'​ordre : « Pour tous, par tous, avec tout et partout ».
 +<iframe src="​https://​​embed/​rpt-reflets&​playlist=1&​list_height=150"​ width="​350"​ height="​150"​ frameborder="​0"​ webkitallowfullscreen="​true"​ mozallowfullscreen="​true"​ allowfullscreen></​iframe>​
 +avec :
 +Jenny Rombai
 +Victor Remy
 +Ruben Tennenbaum
 +Kevin Angboly
 +Anaïs Bonville
 +Antoine Elias
 +Colin Petit
 +Anatole Petit
 +Anna Briand
 +Zoé Febvre-Utrilla
 +Jeannie Brie
 +Teo Strauss
 +David Frimas
 +Clement Marchand
 +William Nurdin
 +dedans :
 +Big Shit
 +Tatie Petanol
 +PonyClub Tartiflette
 +Fracasse de Bergerac
 +Clodo Misere
 +Sonic Cunt
 +Composed, Mixed & Mastered by WN
 +{{:​cover.jpg?​300 |}}
 +Utus Erod is a sonic epic through the mutations of an inner landscape; a journey between microscopic matter and vast expanses opening onto an infinite space, always teeming. Comparable to a kind of cinema for the ear, let yourself be carried away by this sensory and playful experience where listening suggests a world in full metamorphosis.
 +<iframe src="​https://​​embed/​utus-erod-2020&​playlist=1"​ width="​500"​ height="​300"​ frameborder="​0"​ webkitallowfullscreen="​true"​ mozallowfullscreen="​true"​ allowfullscreen></​iframe>​
 +**Composition acousmatique / stéréophonique**
 +Utus Erod est une épopée sonore à travers les mutations d'un paysage intérieur ;​ un voyage entre les matières microscopiques et les grandes étendues s'​ouvrant sur un espace infini, toujours grouillant. Comparable à une sorte de cinéma pour l'​oreille,​ laissez vous porter par cette expérience sensorielle et ludique où l'​écoute nous suggère un monde en pleine métamorphose.
 +Partout les fissures où tout s'​érode. ​
 +Les regarder se creuser
 +doucement sous l'​euphorie ambiante.
 +<iframe style="​border:​ 0; width: 100%; height: 120px;"​ src="​https://​​EmbeddedPlayer/​album=2241915435/​size=large/​bgcol=333333/​linkcol=0f91ff/​tracklist=false/​artwork=small/​transparent=true/"​ seamless><​a href="​http://​​album/​utus-erod">​Utus Erod by Robin Plastre</​a></​iframe>​
 +[[https://​​merch/​robin-plastre-utus-erod|Buy Utus Erod on usb key]]
 +<​html>​ <iframe src="​https://​​embed/​audioblastvolume2&​playlist=1&​list_height=500"​ width="​500"​ height="​400"​ frameborder="​0"​ webkitallowfullscreen="​true"​ mozallowfullscreen="​true"​ allowfullscreen></​iframe>​ </​html>​
 +Audio in a network, Digital sound festival using the INTERNET as a venue for diffusing LIVE experimental,​ drone, noise, field recordings, sound poetry, electronic, contemporary music.
 +The festival is streamed live online and in a quadraphonic sound system at the venue “La Plateforme Intermédia” in Nantes, France.
 +The second festival took place in Feb/March 2014. Audioblast Festival #2 was curated by Julien Ottavi, Joachim Montessuis and organised by APO33. http://​
 +with:Strom Varx, Thor Magnusson, Soizic Lebrat & Jenny Pickett, Montex, Gael Segalen, Ryoko Akama & Minoru Sato, Sin:Ned, Ryo Ikeshiro, Philippe Cavaleri, Erin Sexton, Vitriol300, Cambia, Barg, Josep Manuel Berenguer, Antye Greie-Ripatti,​ Arrebato, Kwc, Le Verdouble, Michael Muennich, Shelly Knotts, Andy Bolus, ONsemble, Julie Rousse, Nerve, Julia Hanadi Al Abed, Fiona Lee, Keiko Uenishi, Germseed, Ana Maria Romano, Bonequi, Error:Wong, Elpueblodelchina.
virtual_records.1475751778.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/10/06 13:02 by julien