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news [2017/10/15 23:45]
news [2022/11/11 15:50] (current)
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 ====== HOTNEWS here! ====== ====== HOTNEWS here! ======
 +[[http://​​doku.php?​id=cd_records#​formanex_-_20_years_of_experimental_music|FORMANEX - 20 YEARS OF EXPERIMENTAL MUSIC!! OUT NOW!]]
 +<iframe style="​border:​ 0; width: 80%; height: 120px;"​ src="​https://​​EmbeddedPlayer/​album=137128358/​size=large/​bgcol=333333/​linkcol=0f91ff/​tracklist=false/​artwork=small/​transparent=true/"​ seamless><​a href="​https://​​album/​20-years-of-experimental-music">​20 Years Of Experimental Music by Formanex with AMM, Christian Wolff, Keith Rowe, Phill Niblock, Michael Pisaro, ONsemble and others</​a></​iframe>​
 +[[http://​​doku.php?​id=cd_records#​arme_-_curious_fantasy|ARME -Curious Fantasy (Fibrr022) - October 2022]]
 +[[http://​​doku.php?​id=cd_records#​harsh_noise_consortium_-_bruital_automaton|Harsh Noise Consortium - Bruital Automaton (Fibrr021) - 2021]]
 +[[http://​​doku.php?​id=cd_records#​solar_return_-_salt_sounds_from_the_cosmos|SOLAR RETURN - Salt (Fibrr020) - 2021]]
 +[[http://​​doku.php?​id=cd_records#​julien_ottavi_-_beyond_symphony_noise_serie|Julien Ottavi - Beyond Symphony (Noise Serie) - January 2019]]
 +[[http://​​doku.php?​id=cd_records#​snow_crash_-_julien_ottavi_joachim_montessuis_-_lp_vinyl|SNOW CRASH - Joachim Montessuis & Julien Ottavi]]
 +[[http://​​doku.php?​id=cd_records#​massacre_-_extrasystole_thenoiser|MASSACRE - Shoï & Dr Noiser]]
 [[http://​​doku.php?​id=radical_radio_art|Solar Return - End of a cycle - 7 hours of AM radios recording]] [[http://​​doku.php?​id=radical_radio_art|Solar Return - End of a cycle - 7 hours of AM radios recording]]
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-===== RELEASE ​===== +===== RELEASES ​===== 
-NEW on our sublabel NoizMutation+ 
 +Solar Return jsut released Salt, a nice mix of their vlf recordings from 2014 to 2017! check out [[http://​​doku.php?​id=virtual_records#​solar_return_-_salt_sounds_from_the_cosmos|Solar Return - Salt (sounds from the cosmos]] 
 NEW on our sublabel NoizMutation:​ [[http://​​doku.php?​id=releases#​solar_return_polaris_noiz003|SOLAR RETURN 3nd album right now in digital format and soon USBKey and CD format]] NEW on our sublabel NoizMutation:​ [[http://​​doku.php?​id=releases#​solar_return_polaris_noiz003|SOLAR RETURN 3nd album right now in digital format and soon USBKey and CD format]]
 +<iframe width="​560"​ height="​315"​ src="​https://​​embed/​kQS8jDyoTs8"​ frameborder="​0"​ allowfullscreen></​iframe>​
-Solar Return 2nd ALbum [[http://​​doku.php?​id=releases#​solar_return_2rats_4stars_noiz002|SOLAR RETURN 2nd album in digital format and soon USBKey and CD format]] ​+Solar Return 2nd Album [[http://​​doku.php?​id=releases#​solar_return_2rats_4stars_noiz002|SOLAR RETURN 2nd album in digital format and soon USBKey and CD format]] ​
 <​html>​ <​html>​
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news.1508103947.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/10/15 23:45 by julien