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cd_records [2024/11/01 18:30]
cd_records [2024/11/01 19:34] (current)
julienottavi [Zbigniew Karkowski & Julien Ottavi - Double Live Bitche]
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 +===== Zbigniew Karkowski & Julien Ottavi - Double Live Bitche ===== 
 +Unreleased materials by Zbigniew Karkowski & Julien Ottavi recorded live in Les Ateliers de Bitche in Nantes in May and Septembre 2012.
 +This release holds special significance,​ marking a decade since the passing of our dear friend Zbigniew Karkowski. It stands as a poignant tribute to the memories of the incredible moments we shared and the powerful music we created together.
 +Zbigniew Karkowski - laptop
 +Julien Ottavi - Laptop
 +<iframe style="​border:​ 0; width: 82%; height: 120px;"​ src="​https://​​EmbeddedPlayer/​album=2169951095/​size=large/​bgcol=333333/​linkcol=0f91ff/​tracklist=false/​artwork=small/​transparent=true/"​ seamless><​a href="​https://​​album/​double-live-bitche">​Double Live Bitche by Zbigniew Karkowski &amp; Julien Ottavi</​a></​iframe>​
 +=====  Ghost String Quartet - La terre du d​é​luge ===== 
 +Is there a composer in the room? for String Quartet
 +A music that disappear, a string quartet that play non-stop during one week, repetition of repetition learning from their own mistakes.
 +This is an edit of the entire process.
 +Composition for AI and string quartet by Julien Ottavi
 +<iframe style="​border:​ 0; width: 82%; height: 120px;"​ src="​https://​​EmbeddedPlayer/​album=866507632/​size=large/​bgcol=333333/​linkcol=0f91ff/​tracklist=false/​artwork=small/​transparent=true/"​ seamless><​a href="​https://​​album/​la-terre-du-d-luge">​La terre du déluge by Ghost String Quartet</​a></​iframe>​
 +===== Blast Of Silence - Julien Ottavi & Kasper T. Toeplitz - Blast 23 ===== 
 +Face-melting noise session from a pair of seasoned French agitants, Julien Ottavi and Kasperr T. Toeplitz. Second album for this powernoise duo, both musicians and comopsers are using computers for making their harsh noise specia!
 +Julien Ottavi - Digital Noise
 +Kasper T. Toeplitz - Digital noise
 +Recorded June 10 & 11 2022 at Ateliers de Bitche, Nantes - France.
 +Mixed summer 2022, Sleaze Art Studio, Paris.
 +Order the album here: https://​​album/​blast-23 (only on CD)
 ===== ARME / Rhys Trimble / Wolframite - un dictionnaire de d​é​esses ​ =====  ===== ARME / Rhys Trimble / Wolframite - un dictionnaire de d​é​esses ​ ===== 
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-<iframe style="​border:​ 0; width: ​100%; height: 120px;"​ src="​https://​​EmbeddedPlayer/​album=1610353676/​size=large/​bgcol=333333/​linkcol=0f91ff/​tracklist=false/​artwork=small/​transparent=true/"​ seamless><​a href="​https://​​album/​un-dictionnaire-de-d-esses">​un dictionnaire de déesses by ARME / Rhys Trimble / Wolframite</​a></​iframe>​+<iframe style="​border:​ 0; width: ​82%; height: 120px;"​ src="​https://​​EmbeddedPlayer/​album=1610353676/​size=large/​bgcol=333333/​linkcol=0f91ff/​tracklist=false/​artwork=small/​transparent=true/"​ seamless><​a href="​https://​​album/​un-dictionnaire-de-d-esses">​un dictionnaire de déesses by ARME / Rhys Trimble / Wolframite</​a></​iframe>​
 </​html>​ </​html>​
cd_records.1730482206.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/11/01 18:30 by julienottavi