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 + <option value="​Formanex 20 years">​Formanex 20 years €80,00 EUR</​option>​ 
 + <option value="​Snow Crash - Ottavi and Montessuis">​Snow Crash - Ottavi and Montessuis €15,00 EUR</​option>​ 
 + <option value="​Julien Ottavi - Beyond Symphony">​Julien Ottavi - Beyond Symphony €8,00 EUR</​option>​ 
 + <option value="​secrets telluriques">​secrets telluriques €5,00 EUR</​option>​ 
 + <option value="​Kknull/​TheNoiser/​BruitalOrgasm">​Kknull/​TheNoiser/​BruitalOrgasm €8,00 EUR</​option>​ 
 + <option value="​Electromagnetic Collective">​Electromagnetic Collective €15,00 EUR</​option>​ 
 + <option value="​Goh Lee Kwang | Julien Ottavi: Pukul Berapa">​Goh Lee Kwang | Julien Ottavi: Pukul Berapa €10,00 EUR</​option>​ 
 + <option value="​GIASO - "Great Internet Audio Orchestra"">​GIASO - "Great Internet Audio Orchestra"​ €10,00 EUR</​option>​ 
 + <option value="​Zbigniew Karkowski - Unreleased materials">​Zbigniew Karkowski - Unreleased materials €12,00 EUR</​option>​ 
 + <option value="​SOLAR RETURN - 2Rats&​4Stars (NoiZ002)">​SOLAR RETURN - 2Rats&​4Stars (NoiZ002) €10,00 EUR</​option>​ 
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 +===== ARME - Curious Fantasy =====  
 +ARME is Anti-Rock Missile Ensemble 
 +A post Rock noise Symphonic band. 
 +Members for this album are: 
 +Jenny Pickett: Guitar 
 +Gabriel Vogel: Drums 
 +Jean Grimault: Drums 
 +Fryderik Lexpert: Guitar 
 +Anthony Taillard: Guitar 
 +Robin Plastre: Bass 
 +Julien Ottavi: Bass-guitare 
 +<iframe style="​border:​ 0; width: 82%; height: 120px;"​ src="​https://​​EmbeddedPlayer/​album=2939355032/​size=large/​bgcol=333333/​linkcol=0f91ff/​tracklist=false/​artwork=small/​transparent=true/"​ seamless><​a href="​https://​​album/​curious-fantasy">​Curious Fantasy by ARME</​a></​iframe>​ 
 +Recorded at Les Ateliers de Bitche - November 2020 
 +Mixing and mastering at BruitBrutStudio - October 2022 
 +Supported by Apo33 
 +===== HARSH NOISE CONSORTIUM - Bruital Automaton =====  
 +<iframe style="​border:​ 0; width: 100%; height: 120px;"​ src="​https://​​EmbeddedPlayer/​album=3249158757/​size=large/​bgcol=333333/​linkcol=0f91ff/​tracklist=false/​artwork=small/​transparent=true/"​ seamless><​a href="​https://​​album/​bruital-autmaton">​Bruital Autmaton by Harsh Noise Consortium</​a></​iframe>​ 
 +===== SOLAR RETURN - Salt (Sounds from the cosmos) ===== 
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 +VLF (very low frequency) recordings made from 2014 to 2018 in Danemark and France.  
 +Made in the right condition VLF antenna could catch electromagnetic storm from the stratosphere.  
 +Those recordings are part of Open Recordings collection on Fibrr Records 
 +<iframe style="​border:​ 0; width: 50%; height: 120px;"​ src="​https://​​EmbeddedPlayer/​album=165087574/​size=large/​bgcol=333333/​linkcol=0f91ff/​tracklist=false/​artwork=small/​transparent=true/"​ seamless><​a href="​https://​​album/​salt-sounds-from-the-cosmos">​Salt - sounds from the cosmos by Solar Return</​a></​iframe>​ 
 +===== FORMANEX - 20 Years Of Experimental Music ===== 
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 +<iframe style="​border:​ 0; width: 100%; height: 120px;"​ src="​https://​​EmbeddedPlayer/​album=137128358/​size=large/​bgcol=333333/​linkcol=0f91ff/​tracklist=false/​artwork=small/​transparent=true/"​ seamless><​a href="​https://​​album/​20-years-of-experimental-music">​20 Years Of Experimental Music by Formanex with AMM, Christian Wolff, Keith Rowe, Phill Niblock, Michael Pisaro, ONsemble and others</​a></​iframe>​ 
 +Nantes trio Formanex celebrates 20 years of activism in experimental music with a 10 CD edition full of amazing collaborations with ONsemble (contemporary music group from Nantes and Saint-Nazaire) and composers they have worked with. The box set includes early works by Formanex’s own Julien Ottavi, unique compositions created by Keith Rowe, pieces by Kasper T. Toeplitz, Ralf Wehowsky, Seth Cluett, Michael Pisaro, Radu Malfatti, as well as other giants of contemporary music from the last 50 years; such as Phill Niblock and Christian Wolff. 
 +A rare collection of CDs, this box set represents a broad vision of experimental music from noise to electronic abstract composition,​ radical minimalism, contemporary and improvised music. 
 +Limited Edition of 200 copies. 
 +**CD 1** 
 +AMM / Formanex / ONsemble 
 +1. AMM / Formanex Play  Treatise by Cornelius Cardew 
 +2. AMM / Formanex / ONsemble  Play Treatise (p. 46-47)  by Cornelius Cardew 
 +**CD 2** 
 +Formanex / ONsemble / Christian Wolff / Keith Rowe / John Tilbury 
 +1. Two Pianos by Christian Wolff 
 +2. Edges by Christian Wolff 
 +3. Trio Rowe / Wolff / Tilbury 
 +**CD 3** 
 +Formanex / ONsemble / Christian Wolff / Keith Rowe / John Tilbury 
 +1. For 1, 2, 3 People by Christian Wolff 
 +2. Looking North by Christian Wolff 
 +3. Edges by Christian Wolff 
 +4. Trio Rowe / Wolff / Tilbury 
 +**CD 4** 
 +Formanex / ONsemble / Phill Niblock 
 +1. Disseminate 
 +2. To Two Tea Roses 
 +**CD 5** 
 +Formanex / ONsemble / Keith Rowe 
 +1. Hang Ups 
 +**CD 6** 
 +Formanex / Ralf Wehowsky 
 +1. Untitled 1 
 +2. Untitled 2 
 +3. Untitled 3 
 +**CD 7** 
 +Formanex / Keith Rowe 
 +1. Three Lines To Achieve Almost Nothing 
 +**CD 8** 
 +Early Works 
 +1. S/T 
 +2. Soulevement 
 +3. Le Langage Du Thé 
 +4. Chercher Le 2eme Oeil 
 +**CD 9** 
 +Formanex / Kasper T. Toeplitz 
 +1. Szkic 
 +2. Demonology #11 
 +**CD 10** 
 +Formanex / ONsemble / Radu Malfatti / Michael Pisaro / Seth Cluett 
 +1. Fragile Being, Hopeful Becoming by Michael Pisaro 
 +2. For Formanex by Seth Cluett 
 +3. Shoguu by Radu Malfatti 
 +CATALOG: mikroton cd 76-85 ˚ fibrrx01 
 +EDITION: 300 
 +RELEASE: October 12, 2019 
 +A co-production of Apo33, Formanex, Fibrr Records and Mikroton Recordings 
 +Produced by Apo33 and Formanex 
 +Compiled by Julien Ottavi 
 +Executive producer and designer: Kurt Liedwart 
 +Texts: Brian Olewnick, Keith Rowe, Julien Ottavi 
 +Photos: Apo33 
 +===== JULIEN OTTAVI - Beyond Symphony (Noise Serie) ​ ===== 
 +Composed and played in 2018 by Julien Ottavi with Computer and Puredata. 
 +Long time work composition serie based on programmatic composition with limited instruments,​ noise generator only for this one. 
 +<iframe style="​border:​ 0; width: 350px; height: 470px;"​ src="​https://​​EmbeddedPlayer/​album=588039698/​size=large/​bgcol=333333/​linkcol=0f91ff/​tracklist=false/​transparent=true/"​ seamless><​a href="​http://​​album/​beyond-symphony">​Beyond Symphony by Julien Ottavi</​a></​iframe>​ 
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 +Confiné dans le cosmos, les mutliples facettes d’un même chant résonne dans les corps vibrants des cordes, il en émerge une supernova crachant des flammes de mondes invisibles. Snow Crash est le point de croisement ultime de deux performeurs poètes de l’extrême,​ chanteurs transes modernes alliant voodoo noise, ultra puissance sonore, déflagration de cris et de langues extatiques, incantation rocailleuse et possession granulaire. Une conjuration,​ un bruit profond, un canal d’énergie. 
 +<iframe style="​border:​ 0; width: 100%; height: 120px;"​ src="​https://​​EmbeddedPlayer/​album=1878109521/​size=large/​bgcol=333333/​linkcol=0f91ff/​tracklist=false/​artwork=small/​transparent=true/"​ seamless><​a href="​http://​​album/​snow-crash">​SNOW CRASH by JULIEN OTTAVI / JOACHIM MONTESSUIS</​a></​iframe>​ 
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 +Shoï Extrasystole and Julien Ottavi collaboration in industrial, noise, electronic, minimal, and concrete glitches. 
 +<iframe style="​border:​ 0; width: 100%; height: 120px;"​ src="​https://​​EmbeddedPlayer/​album=3760692543/​size=large/​bgcol=333333/​linkcol=0f91ff/​tracklist=false/​artwork=small/​transparent=true/"​ seamless><​a href="​http://​​album/​massacre-2">​MASSACRE by Shoï Extrasystole</​a></​iframe>​ 
 +===== JULIEN OTTAVI - Secrets Telluriques (Fibrr0018) ===== 
 +Solo for Symphonic Tamtam 
 +<iframe style="​border:​ 0; width: 100%; height: 120px;"​ src="​https://​​EmbeddedPlayer/​album=2377989405/​size=large/​bgcol=333333/​linkcol=0f91ff/​tracklist=false/​artwork=small/​transparent=true/"​ seamless><​a href="​http://​​album/​secrets-telluriques">​Secrets Telluriques by Julien Ottavi</​a></​iframe>​ 
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 +===== SOLAR RETURN - 2Rats&​4Stars (NoiZ002) ===== 
 +Nantes based artists Jenny Pickett and Julien Ottavi created Solar Return in 2009. Taking electromagnetic phenomena as a starting point for their audio creations. They have produced various scores for dual audio synths/​oscillators/​DIY electronics etc...which reflect patterns and electromagnetic events such as solar flares and inner city mobile phone mast end as well as the unfathomable audio world of kitchen appliances. Through their performances the duo tunnel deep into the world of frequency, static and sound as a physical experience. 
 +<iframe style="​border:​ 0; width: 80%; height: 120px;"​ src="​https://​​EmbeddedPlayer/​album=4241468254/​size=large/​bgcol=333333/​linkcol=0f91ff/​tracklist=false/​artwork=small/​track=2324656556/​transparent=true/"​ seamless><​a href="​http://​​album/​2rats-4stars">​2Rats&​amp;​4Stars by Solar Return</​a></​iframe>​ 
 +===== KK Null - The Noiser - Bruital Orgasme LP (vinyl) ===== 
 +//Kazuyuki Kishino, Julien Ottavi, Nath & Fil Cavaleri//​ 
 +<iframe style="​border:​ 0; width: 100%; height: 120px;"​ src="​https://​​EmbeddedPlayer/​album=2743177911/​size=large/​bgcol=333333/​linkcol=ffffff/​tracklist=false/​artwork=small/​transparent=true/"​ seamless><​a href="​http://​​album/​kk-null-the-noiser-bruital-orgasme">​KK Null - The Noiser - Bruital Orgasme by Kazuyuki Kishino, Julien Ottavi, Nath&​amp;​Fil Cavaleri</​a></​iframe>​ 
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 +{{:​fibrr017electromagnetic.jpg?​200 |}} 
 +“sound of electricity” 
 +Recorded between march 2012 and june 2014, in France and UK. (Double CD) 
 +Sound in Nature is a vast field of exploration,​ from underwater sounds to stratospheric electromagnetic storm interferences,​ we do find some amazing beautiful vibrational resonances out there. 
 +Beyond the classical annoying hum, others layers of sound developed, which could be considered artefacts and we could hear slight movement within the frequencies with regularity, as if the electricity were somehow containing its own chanson.  
 +Listening back to these recordings without using any manipulation of any kind in the studio, we discovered a musical complexity, a certain beauty in its horror, touching the very deep and subconscious listening to our everyday environment. 
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 +===== Goh Lee Kwang | Julien Ottavi: Pukul Berapa ===== 
 +1. Berapa In Loop 
 +2. Extra 
 +3. Out Of Berapa 
 +4. Pukul 1 
 +5. Pukul 2 
 +6. Pukul 3 
 +Recorded in Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia and Nantes - France - between January and May 2015. 
 +Mastering BruitBrutStudio - Nantes, France. 
 +Creative Commons A-share a like international 2015 
 +Goh Lee Kwang - no input mixing board 
 +Julien Ottavi - TamTam (gong), Bass Drum and computer (Puredata and Apodio10) 
 +Goh Lee Kwang 
 +http://​ | http://​ 
 +Julien Ottavi 
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 +===== zbigniew karkowski, "​unreleased materials"​ ===== 
 +This is our hommage to a great musician (1958 - 2013). A CD full of music, that had been never published, Karkowski made with different musicians around the globe. Not only 'a piece in memory of' but some real music played with him! Get yourself a glass of some good wine and blast your head off with this! In Karkowski'​s spirit ! Cheers man !! With Daniel Buess, Sin:Ned, Lars Akerlund, Julien Ottavi, Ilios and Kasper T. Toeplitz. 
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 +===== GIASO - "Great Internet Audio Orchestra” ===== 
 +An international online orchestra developed by APO33 whose goal is to create a place for networked performance. 
 +“Great International Audio Streaming Orchestra” uses a bidirectional multiplex platform to perform and mix different audio sources via streaming. Over the time of the performance,​ streams (web-transmission) are re-made ​​in the ‘local’ space using a system based on mixing multiple audio-streams through a spatial diffusion. GIASO creates a distributed orchestra, where musicians and composers can become virtual entities that emerge from a global community of nodes – audio explorers and performers’ networks. 
 +With Cdrik Croll, Jenny Pickett, Kadet Kuhne, Romain Papion, Ryo Ikeshiro, Shoï Extrasystole,​ William Nurdin, Emmanuelle Gibello, Eva Ursprung, Philippe Cavaleri, Julien Ottavi, Shelly Knotts, Joachim Montessuis, Erin Sexton, Brice Jeannin, Elpueblodelchina,​ Seamus O'​Donnell 
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 +===== OPENSOUND - "​V/​A” ===== 
 +Apo33 Collective, Solar Return, Audiolab, Goodgod, NK, Granular, J Milo Taylor, Piksel, School for Cadavers, UKI, Yaseen Taylor Cahen 
 +===== pizMO - "​blst” ===== 
 +{{:​cd_pizmo2013_2.jpg |}} 
 +The new PizMO release is finally here after many years of silence, the trio is come back with even more furious sounds and noiz as ever! It's the new generation of power trio for Laptopers & electronics! 
 +__extract of their manifesto :__ 
 +We create experiences and ambiances with audio architecture. 
 +We are an anonymous collective of artists and musicians experimenting w/ audio & radio. 
 +We reactualize a drifting theory thru post-radio, sound-systems and computers. 
 +We explore portable, mobile, temporary & immersive audio spaces and campings. 
 +We favour loading forms, immaterial works and time-based objects. 
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 +New release from Fibrr Records the CD-BOT is a winter recording multiple BOTs (sonic entities) mixed for CD format. This CD offers a fifty minute snapshot of a sound environment continuously condemned to exist, as a false extract it is the missing link between Luc Ferrari’s music concrete and machinic music/​composition.  
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 ===== NANTES IS NOISE ===== ===== NANTES IS NOISE =====
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 After 15 years of exploration and support for the Nantes scene, it is time for Apo33 and Fibrr Records to join forces and reveal some of the local talents and the great artists that are flourishing in our city. After 15 years of exploration and support for the Nantes scene, it is time for Apo33 and Fibrr Records to join forces and reveal some of the local talents and the great artists that are flourishing in our city.
-With: Keith Rowe, Formanex, Wehwalt, Jerome Joy, Anthony Taillard, Jenny Pickett, Clinch, Luc Kerléo, Semantik, Mathias Delplanque, Julien Ottavi, Thomas Tilly, Morosphynx, Dominique Leroy.+ 
 +__With:__ **Keith Rowe, Formanex, Wehwalt, Jerome Joy, Anthony Taillard, Jenny Pickett, Clinch, Luc Kerléo, Semantik, Mathias Delplanque, Julien Ottavi, Thomas Tilly, Morosphynx, Dominique Leroy.** 
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-CD "​CORNELIUS CARDEW"​ (FIBRR006) ​+CD "​CORNELIUS CARDEW"​ (FIBRR006) ​- **out of order**
 {{cover:​cd3formanex.jpeg}} {{cover:​cd3formanex.jpeg}}
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 The Musique Action festival in Nancy, June 2002: the English pioneers of texture-based free improvisation AMM meet on-stage with the much younger French electro-acoustic improv quartet Formanex. To shuffle the cards, John White and Laurent Dailleau were invited to join in. The menu: an excerpt from once-AMM member Cornelius Cardew'​s graphic score Treatise -- Formanex had already recorded a few pages of it for Fibrr Records. Of course, Cardew'​s piece can lead anywhere; it is little more than pretense for a musical collaboration. And it works. The single 45-minute piece begins with a bang, a group "​chord"​ that fades out (the process being reminiscent of John Oswald'​s favorite introductory trick) leaving almost nothing, except for an electrical hum. In 30 seconds the listener has experienced the full dynamic range of the album. Slowly, a texture emerges, rich, dense, but quiet. The result of a group effort, it leaves no chance to isolate individual contributions. Then, 14 minutes 56 seconds into the track, the near-silence is interrupted by a very precise piano chord doubled by a cymbal hit and something electronic joining the cue. This cue acts like a scalpel piercing through the skin. Gradually, individual voices detach from the collective organism and ooze out. First up is Eddie Prevost'​s percussion work, followed by Dailleau'​s theremin, and the entrance of sheep. Yes, sheep, a disturbing arrival and not the last. Other sound samples erupt from time to time, disturbing the flow of the piece, shaking it up. A pop song bursts out for a few seconds, five minutes before the end, and it delivers the final stab. Afterward, the piece dies slowly and peacefully, ending on a Morse code transmission and a faint sine wave. And there'​s no applause at the end of the disc to distract the listener from processing the experience. And a captivating experience it is. ~ Franois Couture, All Music Guide The Musique Action festival in Nancy, June 2002: the English pioneers of texture-based free improvisation AMM meet on-stage with the much younger French electro-acoustic improv quartet Formanex. To shuffle the cards, John White and Laurent Dailleau were invited to join in. The menu: an excerpt from once-AMM member Cornelius Cardew'​s graphic score Treatise -- Formanex had already recorded a few pages of it for Fibrr Records. Of course, Cardew'​s piece can lead anywhere; it is little more than pretense for a musical collaboration. And it works. The single 45-minute piece begins with a bang, a group "​chord"​ that fades out (the process being reminiscent of John Oswald'​s favorite introductory trick) leaving almost nothing, except for an electrical hum. In 30 seconds the listener has experienced the full dynamic range of the album. Slowly, a texture emerges, rich, dense, but quiet. The result of a group effort, it leaves no chance to isolate individual contributions. Then, 14 minutes 56 seconds into the track, the near-silence is interrupted by a very precise piano chord doubled by a cymbal hit and something electronic joining the cue. This cue acts like a scalpel piercing through the skin. Gradually, individual voices detach from the collective organism and ooze out. First up is Eddie Prevost'​s percussion work, followed by Dailleau'​s theremin, and the entrance of sheep. Yes, sheep, a disturbing arrival and not the last. Other sound samples erupt from time to time, disturbing the flow of the piece, shaking it up. A pop song bursts out for a few seconds, five minutes before the end, and it delivers the final stab. Afterward, the piece dies slowly and peacefully, ending on a Morse code transmission and a faint sine wave. And there'​s no applause at the end of the disc to distract the listener from processing the experience. And a captivating experience it is. ~ Franois Couture, All Music Guide
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 {{cover:​formaa.jpeg}} {{cover:​formaa.jpeg}}
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 Brian Olewnick (All Music Guide/May 2002)  Brian Olewnick (All Music Guide/May 2002) 
cd_records.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/11 14:34 by julienottavi