/* Copyright (c) 1996. The Regents of the University of California (Regents). All Rights Reserved. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for educational, research, and not-for-profit purposes, without fee and without a signed licensing agreement, is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice, this paragraph and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies, modifications, and distributions. Contact The Office of Technology Licensing, UC Berkeley, 2150 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 510, Berkeley, CA 94720-1620, (510) 643-7201, for commercial licensing opportunities. Written by Matt Wright, The Center for New Music and Audio Technologies, University of California, Berkeley. IN NO EVENT SHALL REGENTS BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF REGENTS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. REGENTS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE AND ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION, IF ANY, PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS PROVIDED "AS IS". REGENTS HAS NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. */ /* Author: Matt Wright Version 2.2: Calls htonl in the right places 20000620 Version 2.3: Gets typed messages right. */ /* Here are the possible values of the state field: */ #define EMPTY 0 /* Nothing written to packet yet */ #define ONE_MSG_ARGS 1 /* Packet has a single message; gathering arguments */ #define NEED_COUNT 2 /* Just opened a bundle; must write message name or open another bundle */ #define GET_ARGS 3 /* Getting arguments to a message. If we see a message name or a bundle open/close then the current message will end. */ #define DONE 4 /* All open bundles have been closed, so can't write anything else */ #include "OSC-client.h" char *OSC_errorMessage; static int strlen(char *s); static int OSC_padString(char *dest, char *str); static int OSC_padStringWithAnExtraStupidComma(char *dest, char *str); static int OSC_WritePadding(char *dest, int i); static int CheckTypeTag(OSCbuf *buf, char expectedType); void OSC_initBuffer(OSCbuf *buf, int size, char *byteArray) { buf->buffer = byteArray; buf->size = size; OSC_resetBuffer(buf); } void OSC_resetBuffer(OSCbuf *buf) { buf->bufptr = buf->buffer; buf->state = EMPTY; buf->bundleDepth = 0; buf->prevCounts[0] = 0; buf->gettingFirstUntypedArg = 0; buf->typeStringPtr = 0; } int OSC_isBufferEmpty(OSCbuf *buf) { return buf->bufptr == buf->buffer; } int OSC_freeSpaceInBuffer(OSCbuf *buf) { return buf->size - (buf->bufptr - buf->buffer); } int OSC_isBufferDone(OSCbuf *buf) { return (buf->state == DONE || buf->state == ONE_MSG_ARGS); } char *OSC_getPacket(OSCbuf *buf) { #ifdef ERROR_CHECK_GETPACKET if (buf->state == DONE || buf->state == ONE_MSG_ARGS) { return buf->buffer; } else { OSC_errorMessage = "Packet has unterminated bundles"; return 0; } #else return buf->buffer; #endif } int OSC_packetSize(OSCbuf *buf) { #ifdef ERROR_CHECK_PACKETSIZE if (buf->state == DONE || buf->state == ONE_MSG_ARGS) { return (buf->bufptr - buf->buffer); } else { OSC_errorMessage = "Packet has unterminated bundles"; return 0; } #else return (buf->bufptr - buf->buffer); #endif } #define CheckOverflow(buf, bytesNeeded) { \ if ((bytesNeeded) > OSC_freeSpaceInBuffer(buf)) { \ OSC_errorMessage = "buffer overflow"; \ return 1; \ } \ } static void PatchMessageSize(OSCbuf *buf) { int4byte size; size = buf->bufptr - ((char *) buf->thisMsgSize) - 4; *(buf->thisMsgSize) = htonl(size); } int OSC_openBundle(OSCbuf *buf, OSCTimeTag tt) { if (buf->state == ONE_MSG_ARGS) { OSC_errorMessage = "Can't open a bundle in a one-message packet"; return 3; } if (buf->state == DONE) { OSC_errorMessage = "This packet is finished; can't open a new bundle"; return 4; } if (++(buf->bundleDepth) >= MAX_BUNDLE_NESTING) { OSC_errorMessage = "Bundles nested too deeply; change MAX_BUNDLE_NESTING in OpenSoundControl.h"; return 2; } if (CheckTypeTag(buf, '\0')) return 9; if (buf->state == GET_ARGS) { PatchMessageSize(buf); } if (buf->state == EMPTY) { /* Need 16 bytes for "#bundle" and time tag */ CheckOverflow(buf, 16); } else { /* This bundle is inside another bundle, so we need to leave a blank size count for the size of this current bundle. */ CheckOverflow(buf, 20); *((int4byte *)buf->bufptr) = 0xaaaaaaaa; buf->prevCounts[buf->bundleDepth] = (int4byte *)buf->bufptr; buf->bufptr += 4; } buf->bufptr += OSC_padString(buf->bufptr, "#bundle"); *((OSCTimeTag *) buf->bufptr) = tt; if (htonl(1) != 1) { /* Byte swap the 8-byte integer time tag */ int4byte *intp = (int4byte *)buf->bufptr; intp[0] = htonl(intp[0]); intp[1] = htonl(intp[1]); #ifdef HAS8BYTEINT { /* tt is a 64-bit int so we have to swap the two 32-bit words. (Otherwise tt is a struct of two 32-bit words, and even though each word was wrong-endian, they were in the right order in the struct.) */ int4byte temp = intp[0]; intp[0] = intp[1]; intp[1] = temp; } #endif } buf->bufptr += sizeof(OSCTimeTag); buf->state = NEED_COUNT; buf->gettingFirstUntypedArg = 0; buf->typeStringPtr = 0; return 0; } int OSC_closeBundle(OSCbuf *buf) { if (buf->bundleDepth == 0) { /* This handles EMPTY, ONE_MSG, ARGS, and DONE */ OSC_errorMessage = "Can't close bundle; no bundle is open!"; return 5; } if (CheckTypeTag(buf, '\0')) return 9; if (buf->state == GET_ARGS) { PatchMessageSize(buf); } if (buf->bundleDepth == 1) { /* Closing the last bundle: No bundle size to patch */ buf->state = DONE; } else { /* Closing a sub-bundle: patch bundle size */ int size = buf->bufptr - ((char *) buf->prevCounts[buf->bundleDepth]) - 4; *(buf->prevCounts[buf->bundleDepth]) = htonl(size); buf->state = NEED_COUNT; } --buf->bundleDepth; buf->gettingFirstUntypedArg = 0; buf->typeStringPtr = 0; return 0; } int OSC_closeAllBundles(OSCbuf *buf) { if (buf->bundleDepth == 0) { /* This handles EMPTY, ONE_MSG, ARGS, and DONE */ OSC_errorMessage = "Can't close all bundles; no bundle is open!"; return 6; } if (CheckTypeTag(buf, '\0')) return 9; while (buf->bundleDepth > 0) { OSC_closeBundle(buf); } buf->typeStringPtr = 0; return 0; } int OSC_writeAddress(OSCbuf *buf, char *name) { int4byte paddedLength; if (buf->state == ONE_MSG_ARGS) { OSC_errorMessage = "This packet is not a bundle, so you can't write another address"; return 7; } if (buf->state == DONE) { OSC_errorMessage = "This packet is finished; can't write another address"; return 8; } if (CheckTypeTag(buf, '\0')) return 9; paddedLength = OSC_effectiveStringLength(name); if (buf->state == EMPTY) { /* This will be a one-message packet, so no sizes to worry about */ CheckOverflow(buf, paddedLength); buf->state = ONE_MSG_ARGS; } else { /* GET_ARGS or NEED_COUNT */ CheckOverflow(buf, 4+paddedLength); if (buf->state == GET_ARGS) { /* Close the old message */ PatchMessageSize(buf); } buf->thisMsgSize = (int4byte *)buf->bufptr; *(buf->thisMsgSize) = 0xbbbbbbbb; buf->bufptr += 4; buf->state = GET_ARGS; } /* Now write the name */ buf->bufptr += OSC_padString(buf->bufptr, name); buf->typeStringPtr = 0; buf->gettingFirstUntypedArg = 1; return 0; } int OSC_writeAddressAndTypes(OSCbuf *buf, char *name, char *types) { int result; int4byte paddedLength; if (CheckTypeTag(buf, '\0')) return 9; result = OSC_writeAddress(buf, name); if (result) return result; paddedLength = OSC_effectiveStringLength(types); CheckOverflow(buf, paddedLength); buf->typeStringPtr = buf->bufptr + 1; /* skip comma */ buf->bufptr += OSC_padString(buf->bufptr, types); buf->gettingFirstUntypedArg = 0; return 0; } static int CheckTypeTag(OSCbuf *buf, char expectedType) { if (buf->typeStringPtr) { if (*(buf->typeStringPtr) != expectedType) { if (expectedType == '\0') { OSC_errorMessage = "According to the type tag I expected more arguments."; } else if (*(buf->typeStringPtr) == '\0') { OSC_errorMessage = "According to the type tag I didn't expect any more arguments."; } else { OSC_errorMessage = "According to the type tag I expected an argument of a different type."; printf("* Expected %c, string now %s\n", expectedType, buf->typeStringPtr); } return 9; } ++(buf->typeStringPtr); } return 0; } int OSC_writeFloatArg(OSCbuf *buf, float arg) { int4byte *intp; int result; CheckOverflow(buf, 4); if (CheckTypeTag(buf, 'f')) return 9; /* Pretend arg is a long int so we can use htonl() */ intp = ((int4byte *) &arg); *((int4byte *) buf->bufptr) = htonl(*intp); buf->bufptr += 4; buf->gettingFirstUntypedArg = 0; return 0; } int OSC_writeFloatArgs(OSCbuf *buf, int numFloats, float *args) { int i; int4byte *intp; CheckOverflow(buf, 4 * numFloats); /* Pretend args are long ints so we can use htonl() */ intp = ((int4byte *) args); for (i = 0; i < numFloats; i++) { if (CheckTypeTag(buf, 'f')) return 9; *((int4byte *) buf->bufptr) = htonl(intp[i]); buf->bufptr += 4; } buf->gettingFirstUntypedArg = 0; return 0; } int OSC_writeIntArg(OSCbuf *buf, int4byte arg) { CheckOverflow(buf, 4); if (CheckTypeTag(buf, 'i')) return 9; *((int4byte *) buf->bufptr) = htonl(arg); buf->bufptr += 4; buf->gettingFirstUntypedArg = 0; return 0; } int OSC_writeStringArg(OSCbuf *buf, char *arg) { int len; if (CheckTypeTag(buf, 's')) return 9; len = OSC_effectiveStringLength(arg); if (buf->gettingFirstUntypedArg && arg[0] == ',') { /* This un-type-tagged message starts with a string that starts with a comma, so we have to escape it (with a double comma) so it won't look like a type tag string. */ CheckOverflow(buf, len+4); /* Too conservative */ buf->bufptr += OSC_padStringWithAnExtraStupidComma(buf->bufptr, arg); } else { CheckOverflow(buf, len); buf->bufptr += OSC_padString(buf->bufptr, arg); } buf->gettingFirstUntypedArg = 0; return 0; } /* String utilities */ static int strlen(char *s) { int i; for (i=0; s[i] != '\0'; i++) /* Do nothing */ ; return i; } #define STRING_ALIGN_PAD 4 int OSC_effectiveStringLength(char *string) { int len = strlen(string) + 1; /* We need space for the null char. */ /* Round up len to next multiple of STRING_ALIGN_PAD to account for alignment padding */ if ((len % STRING_ALIGN_PAD) != 0) { len += STRING_ALIGN_PAD - (len % STRING_ALIGN_PAD); } return len; } static int OSC_padString(char *dest, char *str) { int i; for (i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++) { dest[i] = str[i]; } return OSC_WritePadding(dest, i); } static int OSC_padStringWithAnExtraStupidComma(char *dest, char *str) { int i; dest[0] = ','; for (i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++) { dest[i+1] = str[i]; } return OSC_WritePadding(dest, i+1); } static int OSC_WritePadding(char *dest, int i) { dest[i] = '\0'; i++; for (; (i % STRING_ALIGN_PAD) != 0; i++) { dest[i] = '\0'; } return i; }