Puredata (purr-data) - https://www.purrdata.net/
Supercollider - https://supercollider.github.io/download
Sonic-pi - https://sonic-pi.net/
Praxis - https://www.praxislive.org/
Hydra - https://hydra.ojack.xyz/?sketch_id=celeste_1
IRC chat in browser: https://youfiles.herokuapp.com/ircclient/
1-start obs-studio
2-click on settings
3-clicker on output
4-choose recording tab (in order to use icecast you need to use recording section instead of the streaming one)
5-below in “type” choose : custom output (ffpmeg)
6-add the info as such (see photo below) :
type= custom Output (ffmpeg) ffmpeg output type= output to URL file or path= icecast://source:lemotdepasse@monserveur:8000/lenomdetonstream.ts container format= mpegts muxer settings (if any)= content_type=video/ mp2ts ice_genre=cequetuveux video bitrate= 2500 Kbps (ça dépend de ta connexion et celle de ton serveur) keyframe interval= 250 clicker sur show all codecs video encoder= libx264(default encoder) audio bitrate= 160 Kbps (selon la connexion) audio track= 1(mono) 2(stereo)...etc audio encoder= aac
apply and then click on start recording and if everything is good you should be live!