====== Projets ======= Inkluderende Digitalt Laboratorium for Eksperimentell Kunst (IDLE) is an innovative artistic and participatory project based on a digitally updated art venue space, Studio 207, in Bergen. The public designs spatial audiovisual experiences for those that are In Real Life at the venue and simultaneously in the virtual gallery! IDLE intends to offer a creative virtual meeting point for school kids, youngsters, people with reduced mobility who wants to interact with the physical world, and all of those art curious lovers that want to look for new physical-virtual new experiences. The project explores new collaborations and forms of interaction between different art and cultural forms. {{:nomades:idle_alpha_schematics_v5.jpeg?500|}} [[Giaso interface web]] ====== Ressources ======= chat team: https://app.element.io/#/room/#piksel-idle:matrix.org __Hubs mozilla__ https://hubs.mozilla.com/7PYpXZn/piksel-hubs-iot/ expressJS - tools to start https://expressjs.com/ https://blog.logrocket.com/configuring-apache-for-node-js/ https://webthings.io/ https://webthings.io/framework/ __three.js__ to build from scratch https://threejs.org/ __Node.js__ __webcaster__ https://webcast.github.io/ Client: https://github.com/webcast/webcaster __OSC__ https://opensoundcontrol.stanford.edu/ __Websocket & P5.js__ https://github.com/alexandrainst/processing_websockets https://github.com/genekogan/p5js-osc https://editor.p5js.org/oshoham/sketches/2qjaSG71_ (web editor P5) __D3.js - UI__ https://d3js.org/ __Audio OSc and Aframe__ 1-https://www.npmjs.com/package/icecast-metadata-player?activeTab=explore 2-https://aframe.io/docs/1.4.0/primitives/a-sound.html + OSC https://github.com/rm8x/aframe-oscsend-component https://rm8x.github.io/aframe-oscsend-component/examples/basic/ ====== Participants ======= IDLE is an innovative project initiated by Piksel, in collaboration with CNDSD, Malitzin Cortés and Iván Abreu, APO33, Jenny Pickett, Julien Ottavi, and Romain Papion and Martin Koch. It is a 3 years project supported by the Municipality of Bergen and the Arts Council Norway.