G.I.A.S.O ?

G.I.A.S.O : Great International Audio Streaming Orchestra

An international online orchestra developed by APO33 whose goal is to create a place for networked performance.

Great International Audio Streaming Orchestra uses a bidirectional multiplex platform to perform and mix different audio sources via streaming. Over the time of the performance, streams (web-transmission) are re-made ​​in the ‘local’ space using a system based on mixing multiple audio-streams through a spatial diffusion. GIASO creates a distributed orchestra, where musicians and composers can become virtual entities that emerge from a global community of nodes – audio explorers and performers’ networks.

APO33 has developed the software ICESTREAM for connecting individual audio streams of remote musicians together and transmitting these across the net, as well as in a performance/exhibition venue. Since its inception, this practice with web-radio, streaming has been important to APO33 and G.I.A.S.O offers the potential for Experimental and Noise artists to play together and develop works across the global community.

The GREAT INTERNATIONAL STREAMING AUDIO ORCHESTRAL is a project bringing together members of APO33 artists and guest artists around the creation of a digital device for collective musical and sound production using the Internet. This experience clearly differs from a simple integration of IT resources in an orchestra. In fact we approach the orchestra in terms of a system of cooperation where several elements of the sound ensemble are put in common. Each of the artists participating in this project uses computers and the network in a very particular way relating to their personal activity. We are building a collaboration between these different approaches together.

The Performance includes Six external players and each Live audio stream is remixed in situ, with the results of the orchestra streamed online both as feedback for the players and for the pleasure of online audiences.

The GIASO is a modern ensemble using instruments such as the computer, as the sound synthesis tools and across electroacoustic exploratory field. It is also a group whose very existence and place of composition is on the Internet, it also takes form on stage or in an exhibition space by means of sound spatialization where speakers represent individual players; operators-musicians-artists at the venue.

For the “Local” performance space, six video projections are linked to the individual players streams and the images are affected by their sounds. This also creates a visual reference point for the Live activity contributed by the remote players.

This proposal is a poetic transformation computing, symbolic reappropriation that reconfigures the representation system it produces, that is to say that the system diverts from its control functions. It involves transforming the system into an instrument of intervention and poetic writing. Beyond the hijacking of the device: the artists produce a form of installation which establishes the autonomy of the system and the impossibility of an intervention on the post-production apparatus: the device escapes the hands of its creator. The viewer of the installation becomes the inverse reflection of the creator trapped in the apparatus that he himself has created and onto which he can no longer act. Only a multiplicity of individuals can enter the arrangement, infiltrate it as an integral part and work from his empty or loopholes to divert this, giving it a new function. Members of GIASO work at producing its network (via internet). The internal movement of sounds produces a particular audio form, specifically related to the device, still under exploration by artists of the ensemble. The sound shape corresponds to the network forms, it plays on the variation of repetition in various points of the collective space.
The system and sound creation are part of the same questions for the artists, in this case both physical and virtualized by a spatialization and a mix of disparate elements in a new form of writing space and of writing contemporary music.

Artists :
Cdrik Croll (FR), Jenny Pickett (UK), THE NOISER (FR), Kadet Kuhne (USA), Romain Papion (FR), Ryo Ikeshiro (UK), Shoi Extrasystole (FR), William Nurdin (FR), Emmanuelle Gibello (FR) John Bowers (UK), Eva Ursprung (AT), Phillippe Cavaleri (BE), Shelly Knotts (UK), Ilios (G), Joachim Montessuis (FR), Erin Sexton (CA), Brice Jeannin (FR), Elpueblodelchina (CL), Philippe Cavalerli (B), Keiko Uenishi (AT/USA), Antye Greie-Ripatti (F), Chad McKinney (UK), Seamus O’Donnell (I/D), Carl Stone (J).

Performances :

-Atelier sur la création du GIASO – streaming – Nantes – octobre 2013
-La Grande Exposition d’Art Sonore – Nantes – 26/10/2013,
-Bandits-Mages Festival – Bourges (FR) – 16/11/2013,
-Piksel Festival – Bergen (NO) – 23/11/2013,
-Festival In-Ouïe – La Roche sur Yon (FR) – 07/02/2014 ,
-Atelier et présentation du GIASO – Nantes – oct2013
-Le Lieu Unique – Nantes (FR) – 09/03/2014
-LAC – Linux Audio Conference – Karlsruhe (D) – mai 2014,
-Festival Ladybug, Le Lavoir – Lyon (FR) – 25/05/2014,
-Liquid Music Festival – Judenburg (AT) – 03/07/2014,
-Networked Music Festival – Birmingham (UK) – sept 2014 ,
-HTMlles Festival – Montreal (CA) – 13/11/2014.
-stwst48 : CRASHING THE INFORMATION IN 48 HOURS – Linz (AT) – 05/09/2015,

Grants :
– DICAM, DRAC Pays de la Loire «G.I.A.S.O» art, technology & sound environments – 2013
– Aide à la création – Conseil Général de Loire-Atlantique «G.I.A.S.O» art, technology & sound environments – 2013

2012 Subtecture Ensemble (pre-installation)

SUBTECTURE – APO33 – LIVE EXTRACT from apo33 on Vimeo.

photo credit : võ thiên việt
